UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 8 TAHUN 1999TENTANGPERLINDUNGAN KONSUMENDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang :bahwa pembangunan nasional bertujuan untuk mewujudkan suatumasyarakat adil dan makmur yang merata materiil dan spiritual dalamera demokrasi ekonomi berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar1945;bahwa pembangunan perekonomian nasional pada era globalisasiharus dapat mendukung tumbuhnya dunia usaha sehingga mampumenghasilkan beraneka barang dan/atau jasa yang memiliki kandunganteknologi yang dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat banyakdan sekaligus mendapatkan kepastian atas barang dan/atau jasa yangdiperoleh dari perdagangan tanpa mengakibatkan kerugiankonsumen;bahwa semakin terbukanya pasar nasional sebagai akibat dariproses globalisasi ekonomi harus tetap menjamin peningkatankesejahteraan masyarakat serta kepastian atas mutu, jumlah, dankeamanan barang dan/atau jasa yang diperolehnya di pasar;bahwa untuk meningkatkan harkat dan martabat konsumen perlumeningkatkan kesadaran, pengetahuan, kepedulian, kemampuan dankemandirian konsumen untuk melindungi dirinya sertamenumbuhkembangkan sikap pelaku usaha yang bertanggung jawab;bahwa ketentuan hukum yang melindungi kepentingan konsumen diIndonesia belum memadai;bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan tersebut di atas diperlukanperangkat peraturan perundang-undangan untuk mewujudkankeseimbangan perlindungan kepentingan konsumen dan pelaku usahasehingga tercipta perekonomian yang sehat;bahwa untuk itu perlu dibentuk Undang-undang tentangPerlindungan Konsumen;Mengingat :Pasal 5 Ayat (1), Pasal 21 Ayat (1), Pasal 27, dan Pasal 33Undang-Undang Dasar 1945;Dengan persetujuanDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN :Menetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG PERLINDUNGAN KONSUMEN.Silahkan download aplikasinya secara gratis.....LAW OF THEREPUBLIC OF INDONESIANUMBER 8 1999ABOUTCONSUMER PROTECTIONBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Considering:            thatnational development aims to realize a just and prosperous societythat are materially and spiritually in the era of economicdemocracy based on Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945;            thatthe development of the national economy in the era of globalizationmust be able to support the growth of the business so as to producea variety of goods and / or services that contain technology thatcan improve the welfare of society at large and also get theassurance of goods and / or services obtained from trade withoutcausing harm consumers ;            thatthe opening of the national market as a result of the process ofeconomic globalization must still ensure the improvement of socialwelfare and assurance of quality, quantity, and safety of goods and/ or services obtained in the market;            thatto improve the dignity of consumers need to increase awareness,knowledge, awareness, ability and independence of consumers toprotect themselves and to develop an attitude responsiblebusinesses;            thatthe legal provisions that protect the interests of consumers inIndonesia have been inadequate;            thatbased on the above considerations required the legislation tocreate the balanced protection of the interests of consumers andbusinesses so as to create a healthy economy;            thatit is necessary to set up the Law on Consumer Protection;Given:            Article5 Paragraph (1), Article 21 Paragraph (1), Article 27, and Article33 of the Constitution of 1945;With approvalHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIADECIDE:Assign: LAW ON CONSUMER PROTECTION.Please download the application for free .....
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 14 TAHUN 2001TENTANGPATENDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMenimbang : a. bahwa sejalan dengan ratifikasi Indonesia padaperjanjian-perjanjian internasional, perkembangan teknologi,industri, dan perdagangan yang semakin pesat, diperlukan adanyaUndang-undang Paten yang dapat memberikan perlindungan yang wajarbagi Inventor;b. bahwa hal tersebut pada butir a juga diperlukan dalam rangkamenciptakan iklim persaingan usaha yang jujur serta memperhatikankepentingan masyarakat pada umumnya;c. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana tersebut dalamhuruf a dan b serta memperhatikanpengalaman dalam melaksanakanUndang-undang Paten yang ada, dipandang perlu untuk menetapkanUndang-undang Paten yang baru menggantikan Undang-undang Nomor 6Tahun 1989 tentang Paten sebagaimana telah diubah denganUndang-undang Nomor 13 Tahun 1997 tentang Perubahan atasUndang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 1989 tentang Paten;Mengingat : 1. Pasal 5 ayat (1), Pasal 20 ayat (2) dan Pasal 33Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia 1945;2. Undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1994 tentang Pengesahan AgreementEstablishing the World Trade Organization (Persetujuan PembentukanOrganisasi Perdagangan Dunia), (Lembaran Negara Tahun 1994 Nomor57, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 3564);Dengan persetujuanDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN :Menetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG PATEN.Silahkan download aplikasinya secara gratis......LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OFINDONESIANUMBER 14 OF 2001ABOUTPATENTBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAConsidering: a. that is in line with Indonesia's ratification ofinternational treaties, the development of technology, industry,and trade is rapidly increasing, it is necessary to Patent Law thatcan provide reasonable protection for Inventor;b. that it is at the point a is also needed in order to create aclimate of fair competition and considering the interests ofsociety at large;c. Based on the considerations mentioned in points a and b andmemperhatikanpengalaman in implementing the Patent Law that exists,it is necessary to establish the Patent Law replaces Law No. 6 of1989 on Patents, as amended by Act No. 13 1997 on the Amendment ofAct No. 6 of 1989 on Patents;1. Article 5 paragraph (1), Article 20 paragraph (2) and Article33 of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945;2. Act No. 7 of 1994 on the Ratification of the AgreementEstablishing the World Trade Organization (WTO Agreement), (StatuteBook of 1994 No. 57, Supplement to Statute Book No. 3564);With approvalHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIADECIDE:Assign: LAW ON PATENTS.Please download the application for free ......
UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTSPREAMBLEWhereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal andinalienable rights of all members of the human family is thefoundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted inbarbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, andthe advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom ofspeech and belief and freedom from fear and want has beenproclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to haverecourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny andoppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule oflaw,Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendlyrelations between nations,Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charterreaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignityand worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men andwomen and have determined to promote social progress and betterstandards of life in larger freedom,Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, inco-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universalrespect for and observance of human rights and fundamentalfreedoms,Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms isof the greatest importance for the full realization of thispledge,Now, Therefore,THE GENERAL ASSEMBLYproclaimsTHIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standardof achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end thatevery individual and every organ of society, keeping thisDeclaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching andeducation to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and byprogressive measures, national and international, to secure theiruniversal and effective recognition and observance, both among thepeoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples ofterritories under their jurisdiction.UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OFHUMAN RIGHTSPREAMBLEWhereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal andinalienable rights of all members of the human family is thefoundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,Whereas Disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted inBarbarous acts the which have outraged the conscience of mankind,and the advent of a world in the which human beings shall enjoyfreedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want hasbeen proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to haverecourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny andoppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule oflaw,Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendlyrelations between nations,Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charterreaffirmed Reviews their faith in fundamental human rights, in thedignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights ofmen and women and have determined to promote social progress andbetter standards of life in larger freedom,Whereas Member States have pledged Themselves to Achieve, inco-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universalrespect for and Observance of human rights and fundamentalfreedoms,Whereas a common understanding of the rights and freedomsReviews These is of the greatest importance for the fullrealization of this pledge,Now, Therefore,THE GENERAL ASSEMBLYproclaimsTHIS UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS as a common standardof achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end thatevery individual and every organ of society, keeping thisDeclaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching andeducation to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and byprogressive measures, national and international, to secure Reviewstheir universal and effective recognition and Observance, bothAmong the peoples of Member States and Themselves Among the peoplesof territories under Reviews their jurisdiction.
Joan Sebastian Personalidad 1.0
Joan SebastianAlbum Personalidad #11 Letras1. Un Idiota2. Vete o Me Voy3. Contigo o Sin Ti4. Alma de Niña5. Me Gustas6. Tatuajes7. Juliantla8. Más Allá del Sol9. Eso y Más10. Veinticinco Rosas11. Sembrador de AmorJoan SebastianPersonality # 11 lyrics Album1. An Idiot2. Get out or I'll3. With or Without You4. Soul Girl5. Me Gustas6. Tattoos7. Juliantla8. Beyond the Sun9. That and More10. Twenty Roses11. Sower of Love
Ikatan Notaris Indonesia disingkat I.N.I.adalah Perkumpulan/organisasi bagi pars Notaris, berdiri semenjaktanggal 1 Juli 1908, diakui sebagai Badan Hukum (rechtspersoon)berdasarkan Gouvernements Besluit (Penetapan Pemerintah) tanggal 5September 1908 Nomor 9, merupakan satu-satunya wadah pemersatu bagisemua dan setiap -orang yang memangku dan menjalankan tugas jabatansebagai pejabat umum di Indonesia, sebagaimana hal itu telah diakuidan mendapat pengesahan dari pemerintah berdasarkan KeputusanMenteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia pada tanggal 23 Januari 1995Nomor C2-1022.HT.01.06 Tahun 1995, dan telah diumumkan di dalamBerita Negara Republik Indonesia tanggal 7 April 1995 No. 28Tambahan Nomor 1/P-1995, oleh karena itu sebagai dan merupakanorganisasi Notaris sebagaimana yang dimaksud dalam Undang-undangNomor 30 Tahun 2004 tentang Jabatan Notaris yang diundangkan dalamLembaran Negara Republik Indonesia tahun 2004 Nomor 117.Kode Etik Notaris dan untuk selanjutnya akan disebut Kode Etikadalah seluruh kaidah moral yang ditentukan oleh Perkumpulan lkatanNotaris Indonesia yang selanjutnya akan disebut "Perkumpulan"berdasarkan keputusan Kongres Perkumpulan dan/atau yang ditentukanoleh dan diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan yang mengaturtentang hal itu dan yang berlaku bagi serta wajib ditaati olehsetiap dan semua anggota Perkumpulan dan semua orang yangmenjalankan tugas jabatan sebagai Notaris, termasuk didalamnya parsPejabat Sementara Notaris, Notaris Pengganti dan Notaris PenggantiKhusus.SILAHKAN DOWNLOAD APLIKASINYA SECARA GRATISIndonesian NotaryAssociation abbreviated I.N.I. is the association / organizationfor pars Notary, established since July 1, 1908, is recognized as alegal entity (rechtspersoon) based Gouvernements Besluit(Government Decision) dated 5 September 1908 No. 9, is only aunifier for all and every -people who took and duties of office asa public official in Indonesia, as it has been recognized andapproved by the government based on the Ministry of Justice of theRepublic of Indonesia on January 23, 1995 Number C2-1022.HT.01.061995, and was published in the Official Gazette of the RepublicIndonesia dated 7 April 1995 No. 28 Supplement No. 1 / P-1995,therefore as an organization and Notary forth in Act No. 30 of 2004concerning Notary, promulgated in the State Gazette of the Republicof Indonesia of 2004 Number 117.Notary Code of Ethics and henceforth will be referred to theCode of Ethics is the whole moral code determined by the IndonesianNotary Association lkatan hereinafter referred to as "Association"by the decision of Congress Association and / or determined by andset in the legislation governing it and who applies for and must beobeyed by each and every member of the Association and all thepeople who run the office duties as Notary, including pars ActingNotary, Notary Public and Notary Substitute Substitute Special.PLEASE DOWNLOAD APPLICATION FOR FREE
PERATURAN PEMERINTAH REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 42 TAHUN 2004TENTANG PEMBINAAN JIWA KORPS DAN KODE ETIK PEGAWAI NEGRI SIPILPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMenimbang :a. bahwa Pegawai Negri Sipil yang kuat, kompak dan bersatu padu,memiliki kepekaan, tanggap dan memiliki kesetiakawanan yang tinggi,berdisiplin, serta sadar akan tanggung jawabnya sebagai unsureaparatur Negara dan abdi masyarakat, dapat diwujudkan melaluipembinaan korps Pegawai Negri Sipil, termasuk kode etiknya;b. bahwa untuk menanamkan jiwa korps dan mengamalkan etika bagiPegawai Negri Sipil, dipandang perlu menetapkan PeraturanPemerintah tentsng Pembinaan Jiwa Korps dan Kode Etik Pegawai NegriSipil;Mengingat :1. Pasal 5 ayat (2), Pasal 27 ayat (1), dan Pasal 28Undang-Undang Dasar 1945;2. Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1974 tentang Pokok-PokokKepegawaian (Lembaran Negara Tahun 1974 Nomor 55, Tambahan LembaranNegara Nomor 3041 ) ssebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-undangNomor 43 Tahun 1999 (Lembaran Negara Tahun 1999,Tambahan LembaranNegara Nomor 3890);3. Undang-undang Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah(lembaran Negara Tahun 2004 Nomor 125, Tambahan Lembaran NegaraNomor 4437;4. Undang-undang Nomor 28 Tahun 1999 tentang PenyelenggaraanNegara yang Bersih dan Bebas Korupsi, Kolusi dan Nepotisme(Lembaran Negara Tahun 1999 Nomor 75, Tambahan Lembaran NegaraNomor 3851 );5. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 30 Tahun 1980 tentang PeraturanDisiplin Pegawai Negri Sipil.MEMUTUSKAN :Menetapkan : PERATURAN PEMERINTAH TENTANG PEMBINAAN JIWA KORPSDAN KODE ETIK PEGAWAI NEGERI SIPIL.Silahkan download aplikasinya secara gratis....INDONESIAN GOVERNMENTREGULATIONNUMBER 42 OF 2004GUIDANCE ON MENTAL CORPS AND CODE OF CIVIL SERVANTS NegriPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAConsidering:a. that the Civil Affairs Officer powerful, compact and united,sensitivity, responsiveness and have solidarity high, disciplined,and aware of its responsibilities as the elements of the Stateapparatus and public servant, can be realized through coachingcorps, Civil Affairs Officer, including a code of ethics;b. that to inculcate corps and ethical practice for CivilAffairs Officer, is deemed necessary to stipulate a governmentregulation tentsng Life Coaching Corps and Code of Civil AffairsOfficer;Given:1. Article 5 paragraph (2), Article 27 paragraph (1), andArticle 28 of the Act of 1945;2. Law Number 8 of 1974 on the Fundamentals of Civil Service(State Gazette Year 1974 Number 55, Additional State Gazette No.3041) ssebagaimana amended by Act No. 43 of 1999 (State Gazette of1999, Supplement to State Gazette No. 3890 );3. Law Number 32 Year 2004 regarding Regional Government (StateGazette Year 2004 Number 125, Supplement to State Gazette No.4437;4. Act Number 28 of 1999 on State Implementation of Clean andFree of Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism (State Gazette 1999 No.75, State Gazette No. 3851);5. Government Regulation No. 30 of 1980 on the Civil ServantDisciplinary Regulations.DECIDED:REGULATION OF THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PROMOTION OF LIFE CORPS ANDCODES CIVIL SERVANTS.Please download the application for free ....
Ricardo Arjona Independiente 1.0
Ricardo ArjonaIndependiente (2011)# 13 Letras1. Lo Que Esta Bien Esta Mal2. Hay Amores3. A La Medida4. El Amor5. Lo Mejor De Lo Peor6. Mi Novia Se Me Esta Poniendo Vieja7. Te Juro8. Fuiste Tú (dueto con Gaby Moreno)9. Te Quiero10. Si Tu No Existieras11. Reconciliacion12. Se Fue13. CaudilloRicardo ArjonaIndependiente (2011)# 13 Lyrics1. What is right This evil2. Hay Amores3. Measure4. Love5. Best of the Worst6. My girlfriend is making me Old7. You swear8. It was You (duet with Gaby Moreno)9. Te Quiero10. If you did not exist11. ReconciliationWas 12.13. Caudillo
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 31 TAHUN 1997TENTANGPERADILAN MILITERDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang :a. bahwa Negara Republik Indonesia sebagai negara hukum yangberdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 bertujuanmewujudkan tata kehidupan bangsa yang sejahtera, aman, tenteram,dan tertib;b. bahwa untuk mewujudkan tata kehidupan tersebut diperlukanupaya untuk menegakkan keadilan, kebenaran, ketertiban, dankepastian hukum yang mampu memberikan pengayoman kepada masyarakat,dapat mendorong kreativitas dan peran aktif masyarakat dalampembangunan;c. bahwa salah satu upaya untuk menegakkan keadilan, kebenaran,ketertiban, dan kepastian hukum tersebut adalah melalui peradilanmiliter sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Undang-undang Nomor 14 Tahun1970 tentang Ketentuan-ketentuan Pokok Kekuasaan Kehakiman.Sementara itu Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 1982 tentangKetentuan-ketentuan Pokok Pertahanan Keamanan Negara RepublikIndonesia sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-undang Nomor 1Tahun 1988 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 1982tentang Ketentuan-ketentuan Pokok Pertahanan Keamanan NegaraRepublik Indonesia menentukan bahwa Angkatan Bersenjata mempunyaiperadilan tersendiri dan komandan-komandan mempunyai wewenangpenyerahan perkara;d. bahwa pengaturan tentang pengadilan dan oditurat serta hukumacara pidana militer yang selama ini berlaku dalam berbagaiundang-undang sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan jiwa dan semangatUndang-undang Nomor 14 Tahun 1970 tentang Ketentuan-ketentuan PokokKekuasaan Kehakiman dan Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 1982 tentangKetentuan-ketentuan Pokok Pertahanan Keamanan Negara RepublikIndonesia sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-undang Nomor 1Tahun 1988 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 1982tentang Ketentuan-ketentuan Pokok Pertahanan Keamanan NegaraRepublik Indonesia serta perkembangan hukum nasional;e. bahwa berdasarkan Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1986 tentangPeradilan Tata Usaha Negara dan Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 1988tentang Prajurit Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia, pengadilanmiliter juga berwenang memerik-sa, memutus, dan menyelesaikansengketa tata usaha Angkatan Bersenjata;f. bahwa sehubungan dengan pertimbangan tersebut pada huruf a,huruf b, huruf c, huruf d, dan huruf e tersebut di atas dipandangperlu ditetapkan pengaturan kembali susunan dan kekuasaanpengadilan dan oditurat di lingkungan peradilan militer, hukumacara pidana militer, dan hukum acara tata usaha militer dalam satuundang-undang;Mengingat :1. Pasal 5 ayat (1), Pasal 20 ayat (1), Pasal 24, dan Pasal 25Undang-Undang Dasar 1945;2. Undang-undang Nomor 14 Tahun 1970 tentang Ketentuan-ketentuanPokok Kekuasaan Kehakiman (Lembaran Negara Tahun 1970 Nomor 74,Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 2951);3. Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 1982 tentang Ketentuan-ketentuanPokok Pertahanan Keamanan Negara Republik Indonesia (LembaranNegara Tahun 1982 Nomor 51, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 3234)sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1988tentang Perubahan atas Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 1982 tentangKetentuan-ketentuan Pokok Pertahanan Keamanan Negara RepublikIndonesia (Lembaran Negara Tahun 1988 Nomor 3, Tambahan LembaranNegara Nomor 3368);4. Undang-undang Nomor 14 Tahun 1985 tentang Mahkamah Agung(Lembaran Negara Tahun 1985 Nomor 73, Tambahan Lembaran NegaraNomor 3316);5. Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1986 tentang Peradilan Tata UsahaNegara (Lembaran Negara Tahun 1986 Nomor 77, Tambahan LembaranNegara Nomor 3344);6. Undang-undang Nomor 2 Tahun 1988 tentang Prajurit AngkatanBersenjata Republik Indonesia (Lembaran Negara Tahun 1988 Nomor 4,Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 3369);Dengan PersetujuanDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN:Menetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG PERADILAN MILITER.LAWS OF THE REPUBLICINDONESIANUMBER 31 OF 1997ABOUTMILITARY JUSTICEBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Considering:a. that the Republic of Indonesia as a state of law based onPancasila and the Constitution of 1945 aimed toward improved lifeof the nation that is prosperous, secure, peaceful, andorderly;b. that to realize the livelihood of the necessary efforts touphold justice, truth, order and legal certainty capable of givingshelter to the community, to encourage creativity and active rolein community development;c. that one of the efforts to uphold justice, truth, order, andlaw enforcement is through the military justice as stipulated inLaw No. 14 Year 1970 on Basic Provisions on Judicial Power. Whilethe Act No. 20 of 1982 on Basic Provisions of Defence and Securityof the Republic of Indonesia as amended by Act No. 1 of 1988 on theAmendment of Act No. 20 of 1982 on Basic Provisions of Defence andSecurity of the Republic of Indonesia determining that the ArmedForces have their own judicial and commanders have the authorityhandover case;d. that the setting of the trial and oditurat and criminalprocedural law military that had been prevailing in the variouslaws are no longer in accordance with the spirit and the spirit ofLaw Number 14 Year 1970 on Basic Provisions on Judicial Power andLaw No. 20 of 1982 Basic provisions on Defense and Security of theRepublic of Indonesia as amended by Act No. 1 of 1988 on theAmendment of Act No. 20 of 1982 on Basic provisions of Defence andSecurity of the Republic of Indonesia and the development ofnational laws;e. that pursuant to Law No. 5 of 1986 on State Administrationand Law No. 2 of 1988 on the Armed Forces of the Republic ofIndonesia, the military court also authorized memerik-sa,disconnects, and resolve administrative disputes of the ArmedForces;f. that in connection with the considerations of letters a, b,c, d, and e is deemed necessary to stipulate a rearrangement of thecomposition and powers of the courts and oditurat in militarycourts, criminal procedural law, the military, and the procedurallaw administration military in the legislation;Given:1. Article 5 paragraph (1), Article 20 paragraph (1), Article 24and Article 25 of the Constitution of 1945;2. Law Number 14 Year 1970 on Basic Provisions on Judicial Power(State Gazette 1970 No. 74, State Gazette No. 2951);3. Law Number 20 Year 1982 on Basic Provisions of Defence andSecurity of the Republic of Indonesia (State Gazette of 1982 No.51, State Gazette No. 3234) as amended by Act No. 1 of 1988 on theAmendment of the Law No. 20 of 1982 on Basic provisions of Defenceand Security of the Republic of Indonesia (State Gazette of 1988No. 3, State Gazette No. 3368);4. Law Number 14 Year 1985 regarding the Supreme Court (StateGazette of 1985 No. 73, State Gazette No. 3316);5. Law No. 5 of 1986 concerning the State Administrative Court(State Gazette of 1986 No. 77, State Gazette No. 3344);6. Law No. 2 of 1988 on the Armed Forces of the Republic ofIndonesia (State Gazette of 1988 No. 4, Supplement to State GazetteNo. 3369);with ApprovalHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIADECIDED:To stipulate: LAW ON MILITARY JUSTICE.
Baby Rasta y Gringo Top Letras 1.0
Baby Rasta y Gringo #14 Letras1. Luna Llena2. Me Niegas3. Amor Prohibido4. Bellakiar5. Amor Prohibido (Remix) ft. Farruko6. La Dificil7. No Dices Na8. Un Beso9. Odio (Remix)10. No Dices Na (Remix) ft. Nicky Jam11. Ay Ay Ay12. La Noche Esta Buena13. Pegaito a la Pared14. Odio ft. Ñengo FlowBaby Rasta y Gringo # 14Lyrics1. Full Moon2. You deny Me3. Forbidden Love4. bellakiar5. Forbidden Love (Remix) ft. Farruko6. Hard7. Say Na8. A Kiss9. Hate (Remix)10. Do not say Na (Remix) ft. Nicky Jam11. Ay Ay Ay12. This Good Night13. Pegaito the Wall14. I hate ft. Ñengo Flow
Sasha Benny y Erik Letras 1.0
Sasha, Benny y Erik Vuelta Al Sol (2014)# 12 Letras1. Punto De Partida letra2. Esta Noche letra3. Una Y Mil Veces letra4. Aire letra5. Todo Tiene Su Lugar letra6. Contigo letra7. Como Me Pasa A Mí letra8. Siento letra9. Azul letra10. Inspiración letra11. Vivimos Siempre Juntos letra12. Japi letraSasha, Benny and ErikAround the Sun (2014)No. 12 Lyrics1. Starting Point lyrics2. Tonight lyrics3. A Thousand Times lyrics4. Air lyrics5. Everything Has Its Place lyrics6. With You lyrics7. As it happens to me lyrics8. I feel letter9. Blue lyrics10. Holiday Letter11. Always Together lyrics12. Japi letter
Juan Gabriel Los Duo Letras 1.0
Juan Gabriel #16 Letras Los Duo1. Querida (Feat. Juanes)2. Se Me Olvidó Otra Vez (Feat. Marco Antonio Solís)3. Hasta Que Te Conocí (Feat. Joy)4. La Diferencia (Feat. Vicente Fernández)5. Si Quieres (Feat. Natalia Jiménez)6. Así Fue (Feat. Isabel Pantoja)7. Dios Te Bendiga Mi Amor (Feat. David Bisbal)8. Caray (Feat. Alejandra Guzmán)9. Siempre En Mi Mente (Feat. Espinoza Paz)10. Abrázame Muy Fuerte (Feat. Laura Pausini)11. Te Lo Pido Por Favor (Feat. Luis Fonsi)12. Verás (Feat. José Maria Napoleon)13. Amor Es Amor (Feat. Antonio Orozco)14. Pero Que Necesidad (Feat. Emmanuel)15. Ya No Vivo Por Vivir (Feat. Natalia Lafourcade)16. Vienes O Voy (Feat. Fifth Harmony)Juan Gabriel # 16 LetrasDuo1. Dear (Feat. Juanes)2. I Forgot Again (Feat. Marco Antonio Solis)3. Until You (Feat. Joy)4. The Difference (Feat. Vicente Fernandez)5. If You Want (Feat. Natalia Jimenez)6. That Was (Feat. Isabel Pantoja)7. God Bless My Love (Feat. David Bisbal)8. Wow (Feat. Alejandra Guzman)9. Always On My Mind (Feat. Espinoza Paz)10. Hold Me Tight (Feat. Laura Pausini)11. I pray Please (Feat. Luis Fonsi)12. You see (Feat. Jose Maria Napoleon)13. Love Is Love (Feat. Antonio Orozco)14. But You Need (Feat. Emmanuel)15. You Do not Live For Life (Feat. Natalia Lafourcade)16. coming or going (Feat. Fifth Harmony)
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 13 TAHUN 2008TENTANGPENYELENGGARAAN IBADAH HAJIDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang: a. bahwa negara Republik Indonesia menjaminkemerdekaan warga negaranya untuk beribadah menurut agamanyamasing-masing;b. bahwa ibadah haji merupakan rukun Islam kelima yang wajibdilaksanakan oleh setiap orang Islam yang mampumenunaikannya;c. bahwa upaya penyempurnaan sistem dan manajemen penyelenggaraanibadah haji perlu terus dilakukan agar pelaksanaan ibadah hajiberjalan aman, tertib, dan lancar dengan menjunjung tinggi semangatkeadilan, transparansi, dan akuntabilitas publik;d. bahwa Undang-Undang Nomor 17 Tahun 1999 tentang PenyelenggaraanIbadah Haji sudah tidak sesuai lagi dengan perkembangan hukum dantuntutan masyarakat sehingga perlu diganti dengan undang-undangyang baru;e. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam hurufa, huruf b, huruf c, dan huruf d perlu membentuk Undang-Undangtentang Penyelenggaraan Ibadah Haji;Mengingat: Pasal 20, Pasal 20 A ayat (1), Pasal 21, dan Pasal 29Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945;Dengan Persetujuan BersamaDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAdanPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN:Menetapkan: UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG PENYELENGGARAAN IBADAHHAJI.LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OFINDONESIANUMBER 13 OF 2008ABOUTHajjBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Considering: a. that the Republic of Indonesia guarantees itscitizens freedom to worship according to their own religion;b. that the Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam which must beimplemented by every Muslim who is able to accomplish it;c. that efforts to improve the management system and theorganization of the Hajj need to be done so that the implementationof the pilgrimage walk is safe, orderly, and smooth with upholdingthe spirit of fairness, transparency, and publicaccountability;d. that Act No. 17 of 1999 on Hajj is no longer compatible with thedevelopment of the law and the demands of society that need to bereplaced with new legislation;e. that based on the considerations set forth in paragraphs a, b,c, and d is necessary to establish the Law of Hajj;Given: Article 20, Article 20 A of paragraph (1), Article 21,and Article 29 of the Constitution of the Republic of IndonesiaYear 1945;With agreement betweenHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAthe andPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIABREAK OFF:Assign: LAW ON Hajj.
MELENDI # 12 Letras1. La Promesa2. Tocado Y Hundido3. La Religion De Los Idiotas4. Saraluna5. Cenizas En La Eternidad6. El Amor Es Un Arte7. Septiembre8. Colgado De La Vecina9. Tú De Elvis Yo De Marilyn10. Posdata11. El Gordo Y El Narco12. Más Allá De Nuestros RecuerdosMELENDI # 12letters1. The Promise2. hit and sunk3. The Religion Of The Idiots4. Saraluna5. Ashes In Eternity6. Love Is An ArtSeptember 78. Hanging from neighboring9. You Elvis I Marilyn10. Postscript11. Laurel and Narco12. Beyond Our Memories
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 15 TAHUN 2001TENTANG MEREKDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESA PRESIDEN REPUBLIKINDONESIAMenimbang :a. bahwa di dalam era perdagangan global, sejalan dengankonvensi-konvensi internasional yang telah diratifikasi Indonesia,peranan Merek menjadi sangat penting, terutama dalam menjagapersaingan usaha yang sehat;b. bahwa untuk hal tersebut di atas diperlukan pengaturan yangmemadai tentang Merek guna memberikan peningkatan layanan bagimasyarakat;c. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan tersebut pada huruf a danhuruf b, serta memperhatikan pengalaman dalam melaksanakanUndang-undang Merek yang ada, dipandang perlu untuk menggantiUndang-undang Nomor 19 Tahun 1992 tentang Merek sebagaimana telahdiubah dengan Undang-undang Nomor 14 Tahun 1997 tentang Perubahanatas Undang-undang Nomor 19 Tahun 1992 tentang Merek.Mengingat :1. Pasal 5 ayat (1), Pasal 20, dan Pasal 33 Undang-undang DasarNegara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945;2. Undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1994 tentang Pengesahan AgreementEstablishing the World Trade Organization (Persetujuan PembentukanOrganisasi Perdagangan Dunia) (Lembaran Negara Republik IndonesiaTahun 1994 Nomor 57, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik IndonesiaNomor 3564) bahwa untuk hal tersebut di atas diperlukan pengaturanyang memadai tentang Merek guna memberikan peningkatan layanan bagimasyarakat;Dengan persetujuanDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN :Menetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG MEREKSilahkan download aplikasinya secara gratis ....LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OFINDONESIANUMBER 15 OF 2001ABOUT BRANDBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OFINDONESIAConsidering:a. that in the era of global trade, in line with internationalconventions ratified by Indonesia, brand becomes very importantrole, especially in maintaining healthy competition;b. that for the above required adequate arrangements regardingMark to provide improved services to the community;c. that based on the considerations of the letters a and b, aswell as pay attention to experiences in implementing legislationexisting brands, it is necessary to replace Law No. 19 of 1992 onMarks as amended by Act No. 14 of 1997 on the Amendment Law No. 19of 1992 on Marks.Given:1. Article 5 paragraph (1), Article 20, and Article 33 of theConstitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945;2. Act No. 7 of 1994 on the Ratification of the AgreementEstablishing the World Trade Organization (WTO Agreement) (StateGazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1994 Number 57,Supplement to State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number3564) that for the above required settings adequate on Marks toprovide improved services to the community;With approvalHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIADECIDE:Assign: LAW ON BRANDPlease download the application for free ....
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 20 TAHUN 2008TENTANGUSAHA MIKRO, KECIL, DAN MENENGAHDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang : a. bahwa masyarakat adil dan makmur berdasarkanPancasila dan Undang-UndangDasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 harus diwujudkanmelaluipembangunan perekonomian nasional berdasarkan demokrasiekonomi;b. bahwa sesuai dengan amanat Ketetapan Majelis PermusyawaratanRakyat RepublikIndonesia Nomor XVI/MPR-RI/1998 tentang Politik Ekonomi dalamrangkaDemokrasi Ekonomi, Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah perludiberdayakansebagai bagian integral ekonomi rakyat yang mempunyai kedudukan,peran, danpotensi strategis untuk mewujudkan struktur perekonomian nasionalyang makinseimbang, berkembang, dan berkeadilan;c. bahwa pemberdayaan Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah sebagaimanadimaksuddalam huruf b, perlu diselenggarakan secara menyeluruh, optimal,danberkesinambungan melalui pengembangan iklim yang kondusif,pemberiankesempatan berusaha, dukungan, perlindungan, dan pengembangan usahaseluasluasnya,sehingga mampu meningkatkan kedudukan, peran, dan potensiUsahaMikro, Kecil, dan Menengah dalam mewujudkan pertumbuhan ekonomi,pemerataandan peningkatan pendapatan rakyat, penciptaan lapangan kerja, danpengentasankemiskinan;d. bahwa sehubungan dengan perkembangan lingkungan perekonomianyang semakindinamis dan global, Undang-Undang Nomor 9 Tahun 1995 tentang UsahaKecil,yang hanya mengatur Usaha Kecil perlu diganti, agar Usaha Mikro,Kecil, danMenengah di Indonesia dapat memperoleh jaminan kepastian dankeadilan usaha;e. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam hurufa, huruf b,huruf c, dan huruf d, perlu membentuk Undang-Undang tentang UsahaMikro, Kecil,dan Menengah.Mengingat : Pasal 5 ayat (1), Pasal 20, Pasal 27 ayat (2), danPasal 33 Undang-Undang DasarNegara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945.Dengan Persetujuan BersamaDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAdanPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN:Menetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG USAHA MIKRO, KECIL, DANMENENGAH.Silahkan download aplikasinya secara gratis......LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OFINDONESIANUMBER 20 OF 2008ABOUTMICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUMBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Considering: a. that a fair and prosperous society based onPancasila and the ConstitutionConstitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 must berealized throughdevelopment of the national economy based on economicdemocracy;b. that in accordance with the mandate of the People's ConsultativeAssembly DecreeIndonesia Number XVI / MPR / 1998 on Political Economy inorderEconomic Democracy, Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises need to beempoweredas an integral part of the economy of the people who have theposition, role, andstrategic potential for realizing the structure of the nationaleconomy increasinglybalanced, evolving, and justice;c. that the empowerment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises asintendedthe letter b, should be organized as a whole, optimal, andcontinuous through the development of a favorable climate,givingbusiness opportunities, support, protection, and businessdevelopment seluasluasnya,so as to improve the position, role, and business potentialMicro, Small and Medium Enterprises in realizing economic growth,equityand the improvement of people's income, job creation, andpovertypoverty;d. that in connection with the development of the economicenvironment that is increasinglydynamic and globally, Act No. 9 of 1995 on Small Business,which only regulates Small Business needs to be replaced, so thatMicro, Small, andMedium in Indonesia can obtain certainty and fairness ofbusiness;e. that based on the considerations set forth in paragraphs a,b,c, and d, it is necessary to establish the Law of Micro,Small,and Medium.Given: Article 5 paragraph (1), Article 20, Article 27 paragraph(2), and Article 33 of the ConstitutionThe Republic of Indonesia Year 1945.With agreement betweenHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAandPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIADECIDE:Assign: LAW ON MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM.Please download the application for free ......
KODE ETIK KEDOKTERAN INDONESIASejak permulaan sejarah peradaban umat manusia, sudah dikenalhubungan kepercayaan (duciary relationship) antara dua insan yaitusang pengobat dan penderita yang melahirkan konsep profesi. Manusiapenderita atau pasien yang sangat memerlukan pertolongan sik,mental, sosial dan spiritual mempercayakan bulat-bulat dirinya,khususnya kelangsungan kehidupan, penderitaan, ketergantungan dankerahasiaannya kepada sang pengobat. Kepercayaan bulat yang teramatbesar ini sebagai inti jaminan proses hubungan pengobat-pasientersebut memunculkan tanggung jawab sang pengobat sebagai profesi.Universalitas tanggung jawab profesi pengobat yang kemudian di eramodern dikenal sebagai dokter adalah tetap abadi, sepanjang masa.Dokter bahkan dikenal sebagai pelopor profesi luhur tertua dalamsejarah karena dimensi tanggung jawabnya di bidang kemanusiaan yangmembuahkan ahlak peradaban budaya sejagat. Budaya ini diyakini akanabadi sepanjang sejarah manusia sebagai mahluk sosial karenamoralitas luhur kedokteran sebagai sisi deontologik dan tipe idealmanusia penolong kemanusiaan senantiasa meneguhkan semata-matakewajiban atau tanggung jawab dan tidak segera atau bahkanselamanya tidak akan mengedepankan hak-hak profesi ketikamelaksanakan pengabdian profesinya.CODE OF MEDICINEINDONESIASince the beginning of the history of human civilization, hasknown the relationship of trust (duciary relationship) between twobeings are the healers and patients who gave birth to the conceptof the profession. Human patients or patients who are in need ofhelp physical, mental, social and spiritual entrust him roundly,especially the continuity of life, suffering, dependency andconfidentiality to the healers. Belief is a very big round as acore process guarantees healer-patient relationship raises theresponsibility of the medicine as a profession. The universality ofprofessional responsibility healers who later in the modern eraknown as the doctor is still immortal, all-time. Doctors even knownas a pioneer in the history of the oldest noble profession becauseof the dimensions of responsibility in the humanitarian field thatled to the moral civilization universal culture. This culture isbelieved to be immortal in the history of man as a social being assublime morality of medicine as the ideal type of man deontologikand humanitarian helper always confirm solely liability orresponsibility and not immediately or even forever will not promotethe rights of the profession when implementing service profession.
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 1 TAHUN2013 TENTANG LEMBAGA KEUANGAN MIKRODENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESA PRESIDEN REPUBLIKINDONESIA,Menimbang:a. bahwa untuk menumbuhkembangkan perekonomian rakyat menjaditangguh, berdaya, dan mandiri yang berdampak kepada peningkatanperekonomian nasional yang diselenggarakan berdasar atas demokrasiekonomi dengan prinsip kebersamaan, efisiensi berkeadilan,berkelanjutan, berwawasan lingkungan, kemandirian, serta denganmenjaga keseimbangan kemajuan dan kesatuan ekonomi nasional;b. bahwa masih terdapat kesenjangan antara permintaan danketersediaan atas layanan jasa keuangan mikro yang memfasilitasimasyarakat miskin dan/atau berpenghasilan rendah, yang bertujuanuntuk memberdayakan ekonomi masyarakat;c. bahwa untuk memberikan kepastian hukum dan memenuhi kebutuhanlayanan keuangan terhadap masyarakat miskin dan/atau berpenghasilanrendah, kegiatan layanan jasa keuangan mikro dan kelembagaannyaperlu diatur secara lebih komprehensif sesuai dengan Undang-UndangDasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945;d. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalamhuruf a, huruf b, dan huruf c perlu membentuk Undang-Undang tentangLembaga Keuangan Mikro.Mengingat:Pasal 20, Pasal 21, Pasal 27 ayat (2), dan Pasal 33 ayat (1) danayat (4) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun1945.Dengan Persetujuan Bersama:DEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIA dan PRESIDEN REPUBLIKINDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN:Menetapkan:UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG LEMBAGA KEUANGAN MIKRO.LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OFINDONESIA NUMBER 1 YEAR 2013 ON MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONSBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTY THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OFINDONESIA,Considering:a. that in order to develop the economy of the people be strong,powerful, and independent and have an impact on the improvement ofthe national economy are organized based on economic democracy withthe principles of togetherness, equitable efficiency,sustainability, environmental friendliness, independence, andbalancing economic progress and national unity;b. that there is still a gap between the demand and theavailability of microfinance services that facilitate the poor and/ or low income, which aims to empower the local economy;c. that in order to provide legal certainty and meet the needsof financial services to the poor and / or low-income, activitiesof microfinance services and institutions need to be regulated morecomprehensively in accordance with the Constitution of the Republicof Indonesia Year 1945;d. that based on the considerations set forth in paragraphs a,b, and c is necessary to establish the Law of MicrofinanceInstitutions.Given:Article 20, Article 21, Article 27 paragraph (2), and Article 33paragraph (1) and paragraph (4) of the Constitution of the Republicof Indonesia Year 1945.With the joint approval:HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA INDONESIAand PRESIDENTDECIDE:Setting Out:LAW ON MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS.
Chino y Nacho Top Letras 1.0
Chino y Nacho 20 Letras1. Me Voy Enamorando (ft. Farruko)2. Niña Bonita3. Tu Me Quemas4. Estoy Enamorado5. El Poeta6. Tu Angelito7. Lo Que No Sabes Tú8. Sin Ti9. La Morena10. Tú Y Yo11. Bebé Bonita12. Dame Un Besito13. Regálame Un Muack14. Sera Que Tengo Yo La Culpa?15. La Vida Es Bella16. Asi Es El Amor17. Don Juan18. Bla,Bla,Bla19. La Professora20. Modificada Tu AngelitoChino y Nacho 20 Lyrics1. I'm In Love (ft. Farruko)2. Pretty Girl3. YOU LIGHT MY FIRE4. I'm In Love5. The Poet6. Tu Angelito7. What You Do not Know8. Without You9. La Morena10. You And I11. Pretty Baby12. Dame Un Besito13. Give me a Muack14. Will my fault?15. Life Is Beautiful16. Asi Es El Amor17. Don Juan18. Bla, Bla, Bla19. Professora20. Modified Tu Angelito
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 13 TAHUN 2006TENTANGPERLINDUNGAN SAKSI DAN KORBANDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang :a. bahwa salah satu alat bukti yang sah dalam proses peradilanpidana adalah keterangan Saksi dan/atau Korban yang mendengar,melihat, atau mengalami sendiri terjadinya suatu tindak pidanadalam upaya mencari dan menemukan kejelasan tentang tindak pidanayang dilakukan oleh pelaku tindak pidana;b. bahwa penegak hukum dalam mencari dan menemukan kejelasantentang tindak pidana yang dilakukan oleh pelaku tindak pidanaBering mengalami kesulitan karena tidak dapat menghadirkan Saksidan/atau Korban disebabkan adanya ancaman, baik fisik maupun psikisdari pihak tertentu;c. bahwa sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, perlu dilakukanperlindungan bagi Saksi dan/atau Korban yang sangat pentingkeberadaannya dalam proses peradilan pidana;d. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalamhuruf a, huruf b, dan huruf c, perlu membentuk Undang-Undangtentang Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban;Mengingat :1. Pasal 1 ayat (3), Pasal 20, Pasal 21, Pasal 28G, Pasal 28I,dan Pasal 28J Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun1945;2. Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1981 tentang Hukum Acara Pidana(Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1981 Nomor 76; TambahanLembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 3209);Dengan Persetujuan BersamaDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAdanPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN:Menetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG PERLINDUNGAN SAKSI DANKORBAN.Silahkan download aplikasinya secara gratis...LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OFINDONESIANUMBER 13 OF 2006ABOUTWITNESS PROTECTION AND VICTIMSBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Considering:a. that one of the legal evidence in criminal proceedings arewitness testimony and / or victims who hear, see, or experience theoccurrence of a crime in an effort to seek and find clarity aboutthe criminal acts committed by the perpetrator;b. that law enforcement in the search for and find clarity aboutthe criminal acts committed by criminals Bering having troublebecause they could not bring witnesses and / or victims due to thethreat, both physically and psychologically from a particularparty;c. that in relation thereto, necessary for the protection ofwitnesses and / or victims of great importance in the criminaljustice process;d. that based on the considerations set forth in paragraphs a,b, and c, it is necessary to establish the Law on Protection ofWitnesses and Victims;Given:1. Article 1 (3), Article 20, Article 21, Section 28G, Article28, and Article 28J of the Constitution of the Republic ofIndonesia Year 1945;2. Law No. 8 of 1981 on Criminal Proceedings (State Gazette ofthe Republic of Indonesia Year 1981 Number 76, Supplement to StateGazette of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3209);With agreement betweenHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAandPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIADECIDE:Assign: LAW ON PROTECTION OF WITNESSES AND VICTIMS.Please download the application for free ...
UU PORNOGRAFI NO. 44 TH 2008 1.0
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 44 TAHUN 2008TENTANGPORNOGRAFIDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang :a. bahwa negara Indonesia adalah negara hukum yang berdasarkanPancasila dengan menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai moral, etika, akhlakmulia, dan kepribadian luhur bangsa, beriman dan bertakwa kepadaTuhan Yang Maha Esa, menghormati kebinekaan dalam kehidupanbermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegara, serta melindungi harkatdan martabat setiap warga negara;b. bahwa pembuatan, penyebarluasan, dan penggunaan pornografisemakin berkembang luas di tengah masyarakat yang mengancamkehidupan dan tatanan sosial masyarakat Indonesia;c. bahwa peraturan perundang-undangan yang berkaitan denganpornografi yang ada saat ini belum dapat memenuhi kebutuhan hukumserta perkembangan masyarakat;d. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalamhuruf a, huruf b, dan huruf c perlu membentuk Undang-Undang tentangPornografi;Mengingat : Pasal 20, Pasal 21, Pasal 28B ayat (2), Pasal 28Jayat (2), dan Pasal 29 Undang-Undang Dasar Negara RepublikIndonesia Tahun 1945;Dengan Persetujuan BersamaDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAdanPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN:Menetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG PORNOGRAFI.Silahkan download aplikasinya secara gratis.......LAWS OF THE REPUBLICINDONESIANUMBER 44 OF 2008ABOUTPORNOGRAPHYBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Considering:a. that Indonesia is a constitutional state based on Pancasilaby upholding moral values, ethics, character, and personality noblenation, faith and fear of God Almighty, respecting diversity in thecommunity, the nation and the state, as well as protecting thedignity and the dignity of every citizen;b. that the manufacture, distribution and use of pornographyincreasingly widespread among people who threaten the life andsocial fabric of Indonesian society;c. that legislation related to pornography that exists today cannot meet the legal requirements as well as the development ofsociety;d. Based on the considerations referred to in paragraphs a, band c have to make up the Law on Pornography;: Article 20, Article 21, Article 28B paragraph (2), Article 28Jparagraph (2), and Article 29 of the Constitution of the Republicof Indonesia Year 1945;With agreementHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAandPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIADECIDED:To stipulate: LAW ON PORNOGRAPHY.Please download the application for free .......
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 17 TAHUN 2003TENTANGKEUANGAN NEGARADENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang :a. bahwa penyelenggaraan pemerintahan negara untuk mewujudkantujuan bernegara menimbulkan hak dan kewajiban negara yang dapatdinilai dengan uang;b. bahwa pengelolaan hak dan kewajiban negara sebagaimanadimaksud pada huruf a telah diatur dalam Bab VIII UUD 1945;c. bahwa Pasal 23C Bab VIII UUD 1945 mengamanatkan hal-hal lainmengenai keuangan negara diatur dengan undang-undang;d. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud padahuruf a, b, dan c perlu dibentuk Undang-undang tentang KeuanganNegara;Mengingat :Pasal 4, Pasal 5 ayat (1), Pasal 11 ayat (2), Pasal 17, Pasal18, Pasal 18A, Pasal 20, Pasal 20A, Pasal 21, Pasal 22D, Pasal 23,Pasal 23A, Pasal 23B, Pasal 23C, Pasal 23D, Pasal 23E, dan Pasal 33ayat (2), ayat (3) dan ayat (4) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945;Dengan Persetujuan BersamaDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIADANPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN:Menetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG KEUANGAN NEGARA.Silahkan download aplikasinya secara gratis.......LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OFINDONESIANUMBER 17 IN 2003ABOUTFINANCIAL STATEBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Considering:a. that the state government administration to realize the goalof creating rights and obligations of the state which can bequantified with money;b. that the management of the rights and obligations referred toin paragraph a has been set out in Chapter VIII of the 1945Constitution;c. that Article 23C of Chapter VIII of the 1945 Constitutionmandates the other things on state finances regulated by law;d. that based on the considerations referred to in paragraph a,b, and c is necessary to establish the Law on State Finances;Given:Article 4, Article 5, paragraph (1), Article 11 paragraph (2),Article 17, Article 18, Article 18a, Article 20, Article 20A,Article 21, Article 22D, Article 23, Article 23A, Section 23B,Section 23C, Article 23D, Section 23E, and Article 33 paragraph(2), paragraph (3) and paragraph (4) of the Act of 1945;With agreement betweenHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAANDPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIADECIDE:Assign: LAW ON FINANCIAL STATE.Please download the application for free .......
J Balvin La Familia B Sides 1.0
Discografia J BalvinLa Familia B Sides # 18 Letras1. Ay Vamos2. Sola3. La Venganza4. Déjate Llevar5. Mil Fantasías6. 6 Am (feat Farruko)7. Lose Control (feat Vein)8. Eras Así9. What a Creation10. Desnúdate11. Imaginándote12. Bajo La Luna13. Live in Stereo (feat Motiff)14. Porque Tu15. Tranquila16. Yo Te Lo Dije17. Mami18. Tu Tienes AlgoPreview J BalvinFamily B Sides # 18 Lyrics1. Oh Come2. Single3. Revenge4. Take the Lead5. Thousand Fantasies6. 6 am (feat Farruko)7. Lose Control (feat Vein)8. Were Here9. What a Creation10. Desnúdate11. imagining12. Under The Moon13. Live in Stereo (feat Motiff)14. For You15. Quiet16. Yo Te Lo said17. Mami18. You Got Something
UU CAGAR BUDAYA NO. 11/ 2010 1.0
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 11 TAHUN 2010TENTANGCAGAR BUDAYADENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang :a. bahwa cagar budaya merupakan kekayaan budaya bangsa sebagaiwujud pemikiran dan perilaku kehidupan manusia yang penting artinyabagi pemahaman dan pengembangan sejarah, ilmu pengetahuan, dankebudayaan dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, dan bernegarasehingga perlu dilestarikan dan dikelola secara tepat melalui upayapelindungan, pengembangan, dan pemanfaatan dalam rangka memajukankebudayaan nasional untuk sebesar-besarnya kemakmuran rakyat;b. bahwa untuk melestarikan cagar budaya, negara bertanggungjawab dalam pengaturan pelindungan, pengembangan, dan pemanfaatancagar budaya;c. bahwa cagar budaya berupa benda, bangunan, struktur, situs,dan kawasan perlu dikelola oleh pemerintah dan pemerintah daerahdengan meningkatkan peran serta masyarakat untuk melindungi,mengembangkan, dan memanfaatkan cagar budaya;d. bahwa dengan adanya perubahan paradigma pelestarian cagarbudaya, diperlukan keseimbangan aspek ideologis, akademis,ekologis, dan ekonomis guna meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat;e. bahwa Undang-Undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1992 tentang Benda CagarBudaya sudah tidak sesuai dengan perkembangan, tuntutan, dankebutuhan hukum dalam masyarakat sehingga perlu diganti;f. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalamhuruf a, huruf b, huruf c, huruf d, dan huruf e perlu membentukUndang-Undang tentang Cagar Budaya; Mengingat : Pasal 20, Pasal 21,Pasal 32 ayat (1), dan Pasal 33 ayat (3) Undang-Undang Dasar NegaraRepublik Indonesia Tahun 1945;Dengan Persetujuan BersamaDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAdanPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN:Menetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG CAGAR BUDAYA.Silahkan download aplikasinya secara gratis....LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OFINDONESIANUMBER 11 IN 2010ABOUTCULTURAL HERITAGEBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Considering:a. that cultural heritage is the cultural wealth of the nationas a form of thinking and behavior of human life that is importantto the understanding and development of history, science, andculture in the life of society, nation, and state that needs to bepreserved and managed appropriately through the efforts ofprotection, development, and utilization in order to promotenational culture for the greatest prosperity of the people;b. that in order to preserve the cultural heritage, the state isresponsible for setting protection, development, and utilization ofcultural heritage;c. that the cultural heritage in the form of objects, buildings,structures, sites, and the area needs to be managed by thegovernment and local governments to improve community participationto protect, develop, and utilize cultural heritage;d. that the paradigm shift preservation of cultural heritage,the necessary balance ideological aspects, academic, ecological,and economical in order to improve the welfare of the people;e. that Act No. 5 of 1992 on Heritage Objects are not inaccordance with the development, demands, and legal needs in thecommunity that need to be replaced;f. that based on the considerations set forth in paragraphs a,b, c, d, and e is necessary to establish the Law on CulturalHeritage; Given: Article 20, Article 21, Article 32 paragraph (1),and Article 33 paragraph (3) of the Constitution of the Republic ofIndonesia Year 1945;With agreement betweenHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAandPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIADECIDE:Assign: LAW ON RESERVE CULTURE.Please download the application for free ....
Maná Cama Incendiada 2015 1.0
Maná Discografia LetrasCama Incendiada 20151. Adicto A Tu Amor2. La Cama Incendiada3. La Prisión4. Ironía5. Peligrosa6. Mi Verdad7. Suavecito8. La Telaraña9. Electrizado10. Somos Más Americanos11. La Telaraña (Remix)Mana DiscographyLyricsBurned bed 20151. Addicted To Your Love2. Burned Bed3. Prison4. Irony5. Dangerous6. My Truth7. Suavecito8. The Cobweb9. electrified10. We More American11. The Cobweb (Remix)
UU RUMAH SAKIT NO. 44 TH 2009 1.0
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 44 TAHUN 2009TENTANGRUMAH SAKITDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang :a. bahwa pelayanan kesehatan merupakan hak setiap orang yangdijamin dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun1945 yang harus diwujudkan dengan upaya peningkatan derajatkesehatan masyarakat yang setinggi-tingginya;b. bahwa Rumah Sakit adalah institusi pelayanan kesehatan bagimasyarakat dengan karateristik tersendiri yang dipengaruhi olehperkembangan ilmu pengetahuan kesehatan, kemajuan teknologi, dankehidupan sosial ekonomi masyarakat yang harus tetap mampumeningkatkan pelayanan yang lebih bermutu dan terjangkau olehmasyarakat agar terwujud derajat kesehatan yangsetinggi-tingginya;c. bahwa dalam rangka peningkatan mutu dan jangkauan pelayananRumah Sakit serta pengaturan hak dan kewajiban masyarakat dalammemperoleh pelayanan kesehatan, perlu mengatur Rumah Sakit denganUndang-Undang;d. bahwa pengaturan mengenai rumah sakit belum cukup memadaiuntuk dijadikan landasan hukum dalam penyelenggaraan rumah sakitsebagai institusi pelayanan kesehatan bagi masyarakat;e. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalamhuruf a, huruf b, huruf c, dan huruf d serta untuk memberikankepastian hukum bagi masyarakat dan Rumah Sakit, perlu membentukUndang-Undang tentang Rumah Sakit;Mengingat :Pasal 5 ayat (1), Pasal 20, Pasal 28H ayat (1), dan Pasal 34ayat (3) Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun1945;Dengan Persetujuan BersamaDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAdan PRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,MEMUTUSKAN:Menetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG RUMAH SAKIT.Silahkan download aplikasinya secara gratis....LAW OF THE REPUBLIC OFINDONESIANUMBER 44 OF 2009ABOUTHOSPITALBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Considering:a. that health care is a right of every person who is guaranteedin the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 to berealized by improving the health status of the highest society;b. that the Hospital is a health care institution for peoplewith distinctive characteristics that are influenced by thedevelopment of medical science, technological advances, economicand social life of the people who must remain able to improve thequality and services more affordable for the people to manifest thehealth status of the highest;c. that in order to improve the quality and range of servicesHospitals and setting rights and obligations of the public inobtaining health care, need to set the Hospital with the Act;d. that the setting of the hospital is not sufficient to be usedas a legal basis in the administration of the hospital as aninstitution for the public health services;e. that based on the considerations set forth in paragraphs a,b, c, and d, as well as to provide legal certainty for thecommunity and the hospital, need to establish the Law of theHospital;Given:Article 5 paragraph (1), Article 20, Section 28H (1), andArticle 34 paragraph (3) of the Constitution of the Republic ofIndonesia Year 1945;With agreement betweenHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAand THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,DECIDE:Assign: LAW ON HOSPITAL.Please download the application for free ....
O Nosso Tempo É Hoje Luan Sant 1.0
Luan SantanaO Nosso Tempo É Hoje2013# 20 Letras Albuns O Nosso Tempo É Hoje1. Um Brinde Ao Nosso Amor2. Tudo Que Você Quiser3. Garotas Não Merecem Chorar4. Cê Topa?5. Sogrão Caprichou6. Tanto Faz7. Parede Branca8. Voar Outra Vez9. Te Esperando10. Multiplica11. Donzela12. Te Vejo Linda13. Pot-Pourri Modão: Anjo Loiro/ O Último dos Apaixonados14. Isso Que É Amor15. Promete16. Nosso Tempo É Hoje17. Te Vivo18. Cabou, Cabou19. Mais Que Amigos20. NegaLuan SantanaOur Time Is Today2013# 20 Albums Letters Our Time Is Now1. A Toast To Our Love2. Everything You Want3. Girls Do not Cry deserve4. Cê Topa?5. Sogrão caprichou6. Tanto Faz7. White Wall8. Fly Again9. You Waiting10. Multiply11. Maiden12. See You Beautiful13. Pot-Pourri Modão: Angel Blonde / The Last ofthePassionate14. This Is It Love15. Promises16. Our Time Is Now17. You Live18. Hacker, Hacker19. More Than Friends20. Nega
CAMILA# 12 Letras1. Decidiste Dejarme2. Perdón3. Quédate4. Este momento5. De venus6. Tu tiempo ya se fue7. Me enseñaste a odiar8. La Vida Entera9. No hay vuelta atrás10. Adicto al dolor11. Lágrimas12. TúCAMILANo. 12 Lyrics1. decided to leave me2. Forgiveness3. Stay4. This time5. venus6. Your time already was7. You taught me to hate8. Whole Life9. No Turning Back10. Addicted to pain11. Tears12. You
Henrique&Juliano Musica Letras 1.1
#20 Letras Henrique e juliano1. Nasci Pra Te Amar2. Segundas Intenções3. Vem Novinha4. Não Tô Valendo Nada (part. João Neto & Frederico)5. Mundo Parou6. Em Cada Beijo7. Separa, Namora8. É Tudo Emprestado (Part. Marcos e Fernando)9. Duas Vidas10. Toda Vez Que Eu Te Beijar11. Eu Sou Gordinho12. Meu Nome É Solidão13. Que Vem Depois?14. Tá Namorando e Me Querendo15. Tire Essa Máscara16. Mistura Louca (part. Os Hawaianos)17. Recaídas18. Vai Brincando19. A Nossa Turma20. Sai Fora Cupido# 20 Letters HenryandJulian1. Born To Love You2. Cruel Intentions3. Come Novinha4. Do not Tô Drawing Nothing (part. João Neto &Frederico)5. World Stopped6. Every Kiss7. separates, Namora8. All lent (Part. Mark and Fernando)9. Two Lives10. Every Time I Kiss11. I am Gordinho12. My Name Is Loneliness13. What's Next?14. Okay Dating and Me Wanting15. Take That Mask16. Crazy Mix (part. The Hawaianos)17. Relapses18. Will Play19. Our Class20. Sai Outside Cupid
Duas Metades Jorge e Mateus 1.0
Jorge e Mateus Live In London - At TheRoyalAlbert Hall Letras 2013# 20 Letras1. Amo Noite E Dia2. Flor3. Seu Astral4. Querendo Te Amar5. Pot Pourri: Fogueira/ Prisão Sem Grades6. De Tanto Te Querer7. Enquanto Houver Razões8. Que É Que Tem?9. Um Dia Eu Te Levo Comigo10. Por Quê?11. Aí Já Era12. A Hora É Agora13. Amor Pra Recomeçar14. Se Eu Chorar15. Mundo É Tão Pequeno16. Pra Ter o Seu Amor17. Duas Metades18. Mil Anos19. Onde Haja Sol20. Eu Quero Só VocêJorge e Mateus LiveInLondon - At The Royal Albert Hall Letters 2013# 20 Letters1. Love Night And Day2. Flower3. Your Astral4. Wanting Loving You5. Pot Pourri: Campfire / Prison Without Grids6. Both You Want7. While there are reasons8. It Is What It?9. A Day Eu Te Levo Me10. Why?11. There already was12. The Time Is Now13. Start To Love14. If I Cry15. World Is So Small16. To Have Your Love17. Two Halves18. Thousand Years19. Where Haja Sol20. I Want Only You
Michel Teló Top 50 Letras 1.0
Michel Teló # 50 Letras1. Implorando Pra Trair (Part. Gusttavo Lima)2. Ai Se Eu Te Pego3. Se Tudo Fosse Fácil (part. Paula Fernandes)4. Te Dar Um Beijo5. Fugidinha6. Coração Cansou7. Bará Bará, Berê Berê8. Pai e Mãe9. Humilde Residência10. Amiga da Minha Irmã11. Amanhã Sei Lá12. Pegada13. Como Le Gusta A Tu Cuerpo (part. Carlos Vives)14. Larga de Bobeira15. Maria16. Telefone Mudo / Boate Azul (Medley)17. Até o Dia Clarear18. Barquinho19. Ei, Psiu! Beijo Me Liga20. Coisa de Brasileiro21. Balada sertaneja22. É Amor Pra Valer23. Ponto certo24. Vamo Mexe25. Pra Ser Perfeito26. Levemente Alterado (part. Bruninho e Davi)27. Amor Não É Paixão28. Seu coração não tem dó do meu / Eu hoje entrego os pontos29. Eu Te Amo e Open Bar30. Coincidência31. Mas Eu Tô Curtindo a Solidão32. Pai, Mãe33. Olhos Negros34. Aconteceu35. Bora Passear36. Se Não Tem Mar, Vamos Pro Bar37. Oh, If I Catch You38. Fala Coração39. 60 dias apaixonado40. Love Song41. Ai Se Eu Te Pego (francês)42. Curtindo Solidão43. Te Caço44. Explodiu45. É Nóis Fazer Parapapá (part. Sorriso Maroto)46. Saudade da Minha Terra47. Se Eu Não For48. Fiquei Só49. Sino de Belém (Part. Wesley Safadão)50. Gotas de água doceMichel Telo # 50 Lyrics1. Pleading Pra trair (Part. Gusttavo Lima)2. Ai Se Eu Te Pego3. Easy Tudo Fosse (part. Paula Fernandes)4. You Give Um Beijo5. Fugidinha6. Coração Cansou7. Bara Bara, Bere Bere8. Pai e Mãe9. Humble Residência10. Friend da Minha Irmã11. Amanhã Sei Lá12. Stuck13. As You Like Your Body (part. Carlos Vives)14. Long of Bobeira15. Maria16. Telephone Mute / Boate Blue (Medley)17. Até or Dia Clarear18. Barquinho19. Hey, Psiu! Beijo Me Liga20. Coisa Brasileiro21. hinterland Balada22. Love É Pra Valer23. Ponto Certo24. Vamo Mexe25. Pra Ser Perfeito26. Slightly Altered (part. Bruninho and Davi)27. Love Não É Paixão28. Seu coração não tem do do meu / Eu hoje give you pontosEu 29. I Love You and Open Bar30. Coincidência31. But Eu Tô Curtindo to Solidão32. Pai, Mãe33. Olhos Negros34. Aconteceu35. Bora PassearNão Tem 36. Mar, Let Pro Bar37. Oh, If I Catch You38. Fala Coração39. apaixonado 60 days40. Love Song41. Ai Se Eu Te Pego (French)42. Curtindo Solidão43. You Caco44. Explodiu45. É Fazer Nóis Parapapa (part. Sorriso Maroto)46. ​​Saudade da Minha Terra47. For Eu Não48. Só Fiquei49. Sino de Belém (Part. Wesley safadão)50. Drops Água Doce
Onze:20 Vida Loka Letras 1.0
Vida Loka Álbuns Onze:20Musica 2014# 11 Letras1. Vida Loka2. Sem Medo de Amar3. Saudade4. Meu Amor5. Querendo Te Encontrar6. Mau Olhado7. Te Roubar Pra Mim8. Uma Chance9. Viver de Amor10. No Pagode11. Sem Medo de Amar (Acústica)Vida Loka AlbumEleven:20Music 2014# 11 Letters1. Vida Loka2. Fearless Love3. Saudade4. My Love5. Wanting You Find6. Evil Eye7. Steal for Me8. A Chance9. Live Love10. Pagoda11. Without Love of Fear (Acoustic)
Anitta Meu Lugar Álbuns 2014 1.0
Anitta Meu Lugar (Ao Vivo) Álbuns 2014# 22 Letras1. Portal do centro da Terra2. Não Para3. Menina Má4. Proposta5. Cachorro Eu Tenho em Casa6. Eu Sou Assim7. Fica Só Olhando8. Ritmo Perfeito9. Achei / Príncipe De Vento (Ao Vivo)10. Zen11. Quem Sabe12. Musica de Amor13. Cobertor (Part. Projota)14. Mulher (Part. Projota)15. Eu Vou Ficar (Remix Part. PH)16. Tá na Mira17. Meiga e Abusada18. Na Batida19. Movimento da sanfoninha20. No Meu Talento21. Blá, Blá, Blá22. Show Das PoderosasAnitta My Place (Live)Albums 2014# 22 Letters1. center of the Earth Portal2. Not To3. Bad Girl4. Proposal5. Dogs I Have Home6. I'm So7. Just Looking8. Perfect Rhythm9. I / Wind Prince (Live)10. Zen11. Who Knows12. Love of Music13. Comforter (Part. Projota)14. Women (Part. Projota)15. I Will Stay (Remix Part. PH)16. Tá na Mira17. Meiga and Abused18. On Strike19. Movement of the accordion20. My Talent21. Blah, Blah, Blah22. Show Of Powerful
Esmeraldas Tiê Letras 2014 1.0
Albuns Esmeraldas Tiê Musica Letras 2014# 12 Letras1. Gold Fish2. Par de Ases3. Máquina de Lavar4. Urso5. Mínimo Maravilhoso6. Esmeraldas7. Isqueiro Azul8. Depois de Um Dia de Sonho9. Vou Atrás10. A Noite11. Meia Hora12. All Around You (feat. David Byrne)Albums EsmeraldasTiêMusic Letters 2014# 12 Letters1. Gold Fish2. Pair of Aces3. Washer4. Bear5. Minimum Wonderful6. Esmeraldas7. Blue Lighter8. After a Dream Day9. I will Ago10. The Night11. Half Time12. All Around You (feat. David Byrne)
Macaco Historias Tattooadas 1.0
Macaco LetrasHistorias Tattooadas (2015)1. La Huella letra2. Historias Tattooadas letra3. Hijos De Un Mismo Dios letra4. Good Morning Soledad letra5. Volar letra6. Ratapampam letra7. Gastame Los Labios letra8. Semillas letra9. Me Fui A Ser Feliz letra10. Dancing Man 53 letra11. La Distancia letra12. Arriba Las Banderas letra13. Coincidir letra14. Piel Sobre Piel letra15. Me Olvide De Vivir letra16. Perdi letraMacaco LyricsTattooadas Stories (2015)1. The letter Footprint2. Stories letter Tattooadas3. Edges of the Lord lyrics4. Good Morning Solitude lyrics5. Fly lyrics6. Ratapampam letter7. Waste Me Lips lyrics8. Seeds lyrics9. I went to Be Happy lyrics10. Dancing Man 53 letter11. Distance letter12. Top Banners letter13. Letter Match14. Skin On Skin lyrics15. I forgot to live lyrics16. I lost letter
Climatizar Ferrugem 2015 1.0
Ferrugem Climatizar 2015 Álbuns# 14 Letras1. Ensaboado2. Climatizar3. Locomotiva4. Paciência5. Tentei Ser Incrível6. Saudade Não é Solidão7. Tomando Coragem8. Celebridade9. Ninfomaníaca10. Namorado (Part. Anitta)11. Meu Bem12. Ah Se um Dia13. Casa Azul14. Conversei com DeusRust Aircondition2015Album# 14 Letters1. Soapy2. Aircondition3. Locomotive4. Patience5. Tried Being Awesome6. Saudade Not Loneliness7. Taking Courage8. Celebrity9. nymphomaniac10. Boyfriend (Part. Anitta)11. My Well12. Ah If a Day13. Blue House14. I talked with God
Netto e Robson Olha Aí Letras 1.0
Netto e Robson Olha Aí Letras# 18 Letras1. Olha Aí2. Seu Nome3. Tempestade4. Esqueci/Decida5. Resposta do Coração6. Me Leva Pra Casa7. Chorei Chorei8. Eu já te perdoei demais9. Pout Pourri - Desejo De Amar/ Só Liguei Para Dizer Que TeAmo/Meu Ex Amor10. Página de Amigos11. Coração Escravo12. Red Label13. Faz Isso Não Paixão14. Vem Ni Mim Que Hoje Tem15. Pulsação16. Vou Te Pegar17. Disparada18. Só Quero Te AmarNetto and Robson LookHerelyrics# 18 Letters1. Look Here2. Your Name3. Storm4. I forgot / Decide5. Response Heart6. Take Me To House7. I cried I cried8. I have forgiven you too9. Pout Pourri - Desire Love / Just Called To Say I Love You /MyLove Ex10. Friends page11. Slave Heart12. Red Label13. It makes no Passion14. Come Ni Me That It Today15. Pulse16. I'll Take You17. Disparada18. Only I Love You
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 23 TAHUN 2002TENTANGPERLINDUNGAN ANAKDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang :a. bahwa Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesiamenjaminkesejahteraan tiap- tiap warga negaranya, termasukperlindunganterhadap hak anak yang merupakan hak asasimanusia;b. bahwa anak adalah amanah dan karunia Tuhan Yang Maha Esa,yangdalam dirinya melekat harkat dan martabat sebagaimanusiaseutuhnya;c. bahwa anak adalah tunas, potensi, dan generasi mudapeneruscita-cita perjuangan bangsa, memiliki peran strategis danmempunyaiciri dan sifat khusus yang menjamin kelangsunganeksistensi bangsadan negara pada masa depan;d. bahwa agar setiap anak kelak mampu memikul tanggungjawabtersebut, maka ia perlu mendapat kesempatan yangseluas-luasnyauntuk tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal, baikfisik, mentalmaupun sosial, dan berakhlak mulia, perlu dilakukanupayaperlindungan serta untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan anakdenganmemberikan jaminan terhadap pemenuhan hak-haknya sertaadanyaperlakuan tanpa diskriminasi;e. bahwa untuk mewujudkan perlindungan dan kesejahteraananakdiperlukan dukungan kelembagaan dan peraturanperundang-undanganyang dapat menjamin pelaksanaannya;f. bahwa berbagai undang-undang hanya mengatur hal-haltertentumengenai anak dan secara khusus belum mengatur keseluruhanaspekyang berkaitan dengan perlindungan anak;g. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan tersebut pada huruf a, b, c,d,e, dan f perlu ditetapkan Undang-undang tentangPerlindunganAnak;Mengingat :1. Pasal 20, Pasal 20A ayat (1), Pasal 21, Pasal 28B ayat(2),dan Pasal 34 Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik IndonesiaTahun1945;2. Undang-undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1979 tentang KesejahteraanAnak(Lembaran Negara Tahun 1979 Nomor 32, Tambahan LembaranNegaraNomor 3143);3. Undang-undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1984 tentang PenghapusanSegalaBentuk Diskriminasi terhadap Perempuan (Convention onTheElimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women)(LembaranNegara Tahun 1984 Nomor 29, Tambahan Lembaran NegaraNomor3277);4. Undang-undang Nomor 3 Tahun 1997 tentang PengadilanAnak(Lembaran Negara Tahun 1997 Nomor 3, Tambahan Lembaran NegaraNomor3668);5. Undang-undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1997 tentang PenyandangCacat(Lembaran Negara Tahun 1997 Nomor 9, Tambahan Lembaran NegaraNomor3670);6. Undang-undang Nomor 20 Tahun 1999 tentang PengesahanILOConvention No. 138 Concerning Minimum Age for AdmissiontoEmployment (Konvensi ILO mengenai Usia Minimum untukDiperbolehkanBekerja) (Lembaran Negara Tahun 1999 Nomor 56,Tambahan LembaranNegara Nomor 3835);7. Undang-undang Nomor 39 Tahun 1999 tentang Hak AsasiManusia(Lembaran Negara Tahun 1999 Nomor 165, Tambahan LembaranNegaraNomor 3886);8. Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2000 tentang PengesahanILOConvention No. 182 Concerning The Prohibition and ImmediateActionfor The Elimination of The Worst Forms of Child Labour(KonvensiILO No. 182 mengenai Pelarangan dan Tindakan SegeraPenghapusanBentuk-bentuk Pekerjaan Terburuk untuk Anak) (LembaranNegara Tahun2000 Nomor 30, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor3941);Dengan persetujuan :DEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN :Menetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG PERLINDUNGAN ANAK.Silahkan download aplikasinya secara gratisLAWS OF THEREPUBLICINDONESIANUMBER 23 OF 2002ABOUTCHILD PROTECTIONBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA, Considering:a. that the Unitary Republic of Indonesia tiap- ensuringthewelfare of every citizen, including the protection ofchildren'srights is a fundamental human right;b. that child is a trust and the gift of the Almighty God, whoinher inherent dignity and worth as human beings;c. that children are budding, potential, and theyoungergeneration successor to the ideals of national struggle, hasastrategic role and have special characteristics and propertiesthatguarantee the continued existence of the nation and the stateinthe future;d. that for every child later able to assume thisresponsibility,then he needs to get a chance as possible to growand developoptimally, both physically, mentally and socially, andnoble,necessary to the protection and the well-being of childrenbyproviding guarantees towards the fulfillment of their rightsandtheir treatment without discrimination;e. that to realize the protection and welfare ofchildrennecessary institutional support and legislation to ensuretheirimplementation;f. that various laws only regulate certain mattersconcerningchildren and specifically not regulate all aspectsrelating to theprotection of children;g. that based on the considerations in points a, b, c, d, e,andf need to enact a Law on Child Protection; Given:1. Article 20, Article 20A paragraph (1), Article 21, Article28Bparagraph (2), and Article 34 of the Constitution of theRepublic ofIndonesia Year 1945;2. Act No. 4 of 1979 on Child Welfare (State Gazette of1979Number 32, Additional State Gazette No. 3143);3. Law Number 7 of 1984 on the Elimination of All FormsofDiscrimination against Women (Convention on the Elimination ofallForms of Discrimination Against Women) (Statute Book Year1984Number 29, Additional State Gazette No. 3277);4. Act Number 3 of 1997 on Juvenile Court (State Gazette of1997No. 3, State Gazette No. 3668);5. Law No. 4 of 1997 on Persons with Disabilities (StateGazette1997 No. 9, Additional State Gazette No. 3670);6. Law Number 20 Year 1999 on the Ratification of ILOConventionNo. 138 Concerning Minimum Age for Admission toEmployment (ILOConvention concerning Minimum Age for Admission toEmployment)(State Gazette 1999 No. 56, State Gazette No. 3835);7. Law Number 39 of 1999 on Human Rights (State Gazette 1999No.165, Supplement to State Gazette No. 3886);8. Law No. 1 of 2000 on the Ratification of ILO ConventionNo.182 Concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action fortheElimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour (ILO ConventionNo.182 concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action fortheElimination of the Worst Forms of Child) (State Gazette 2000No.30, State Gazette No. 3941 );With the approval of:HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA DECIDED:To stipulate: LAW ON CHILD PROTECTION.Please download the application for free
Charter of the United NationsPreambleWE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINEDto save succeeding generations from the scourge of war,whichtwice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind,andto reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignityandworth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and womenandof nations large and small, andto establish conditions under which justice and respect fortheobligations arising from treaties and other sourcesofinternational law can be maintained, andto promote social progress and better standards of life inlargerfreedom,AND FOR THESE ENDSto practice tolerance and live together in peace with oneanotheras good neighbors, andto unite our strength to maintain international peaceandsecurity, andto ensure by the acceptance of principles and the institutionofmethods, that armed force shall not be used, save in thecommoninterest, andto employ international machinery for the promotion oftheeconomic and social advancement of all peoples,HAVE RESOLVED TO COMBINE OUR EFFORTS TO ACCOMPLISH THESEAIMSAccordingly, our respective Governments, throughrepresentativesassembled in the city of San Francisco, who haveexhibited theirfull powers found to be in good and due form, haveagreed to thepresent Charter of the United Nations and do herebyestablish aninternational organization to be known as the UnitedNations.Charter of theUnitedNationsPreambleWE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS determined    to save succeeding generations fromtheScourge of war, the which twice in our lifetime has broughtuntoldsorrow to mankind, and    to reaffirm faith in fundamentalhumanrights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in theequalrights of men and women and of nations large and small,and    to establish conditions under thewhichjustice and respect for the obligations Arising from treatiesandother sources of international law can be maintained, and    to promote social progress andbetterstandards of life in larger freedom,AND FOR THESE ENDS    to practice tolerance and livetogetherin peace with one another as good neighbors, and    to unite our strength tomaintaininternational peace and security, and    to Ensure by the acceptance ofprinciplesand the institution of methods, that armed force shallnot be used,save in the common interest, and    to employ international machinery forthepromotion of the economic and social advancement of allpeoples,HAVE RESOLVED TO COMBINE OUR Efforts Accomplish TO THESEAIMS    Accordingly, our respectiveGovernments,through representatives assembled in the city of SanFrancisco, whohave exhibited Reviews their full powers found to bein good anddue form, have the agreed to the present Charter of theUnitedNations and do hereby establish an international organizationto beknown as the United Nations.
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 25 TAHUN 2007TENTANG PENANAMAN MODALDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang:a. bahwa untuk mewujudkan masyarakat adil dan makmurberdasarkanPancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar Negara RepublikIndonesia Tahun1945 perlu dilaksanakan pembangunan ekonomi nasionalyangberkelanjutan dengan berlandaskan demokrasi ekonomi untukmencapaitujuan bernegara;b. bahwa sesuai dengan amanat yang tercantum dalamKetetapanMajelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat Republik IndonesiaNomorXVI/MPR/1998 tentang Politik Ekonomi dalam rangkaDemokrasiEkonomi, kebijakan penanaman modal selayaknya selalumendasariekonomi kerakyatan yang melibatkan pengembangan bagi usahamikro,kecil, menengah, dan koperasi;c. bahwa untuk mempercepat pembangunan ekonomi nasionaldanmewujudkan kedaulatan politik dan ekonomi Indonesiadiperlukanpeningkatan penanaman modal untuk mengolah potensiekonomi menjadikekuatan ekonomi riil dengan menggunakan modal yangberasal, baikdari dalam negeri maupun dari luar negeri;d. bahwa dalam menghadapi perubahan perekonomian globaldankeikutsertaan Indonesia dalam berbagai kerja samainternasionalperlu diciptakan iklim penanaman modal yang kondusif,promotif,memberikan kepastian hukum, keadilan, dan efisien dengantetapmemperhatikan kepentingan ekonomi nasional;e. bahwa Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1967 tentang PenanamanModalAsing sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-Undang Nomor 11Tahun1970 tentang Perubahan dan Tambahan Undang- Undang Nomor 1Tahun1967 tentang Penanaman Modal Asing dan Undang-Undang Nomor 6Tahun1968 tentang Penanaman Modal Dalam Negeri sebagaimana telahdiubahdengan Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 1970 tentang PerubahandanTambahan Undang- Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 1968 tentang PenanamanModalDalam Negeri perlu diganti karena tidak sesuai lagi dengankebutuhanpercepatan perkembangan perekonomian dan pembangunanhukum nasional,khususnya di bidang penanaman modal;f. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksuddalamhuruf a, huruf b, huruf c, huruf d, dan huruf e perlumembentukUndang- Undang tentang Penanaman Modal.Mengingat : Pasal 4 ayat (1), Pasal 5 ayat (1), Pasal 18 ayat(1),ayat (2), dan ayat (5), Pasal 20, serta Pasal 33Undang-UndangDasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945;Dengan Persetujuan BersamaDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAdanPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKANMenetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG PENANAMAN MODALSilahkan download aplikasinya secara gratis.....LAWS OF THEREPUBLICINDONESIANUMBER 25 OF 2007ON INVESTMENTBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Weigh:a. that to realize a just and prosperous society basedonPancasila and the Constitution of the Republic of IndonesiaYear1945 needs to be implemented sustainable nationaleconomicdevelopment based on economic democracy to achieve theobjectivesof the state;b. that in accordance with the mandate contained in theDecisionof the Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia Number XVI /MPR /1998 on Political Economy in the context of EconomicDemocracy, theinvestment policy should always be based on peopleeconomy involvesthe development of micro, small, medium, andcooperatives;c. that in order to accelerate national economic developmentandrealize the political and economic sovereignty Indonesia neededtoincrease investment for making the economic potential intorealeconomic strength by using capital from both domesticandforeign;d. that in the face of global economic changes andIndonesia'sparticipation in various international cooperation isnecessary tocreate a conducive investment climate, promotion, legalcertainty,fairness and efficient manner with due regard to theinterests ofthe national economy;e. that Act No. 1 of 1967 concerning Foreign Investment,asamended by Act No. 11 of 1970 on the Amendment and SupplementActNumber 1 of 1967 concerning Foreign Investment Law No. 6 of 1968onInvestment State, as amended by Act No. 12 of 1970 on theAmendmentand Supplement to Law Number 6 of 1968 concerningdomesticInvestment needs to be replaced because it no longerappropriate tothe needs of economic development and theacceleration of thedevelopment of national laws, particularly inthe field ofinvestment;f. Based on the considerations referred to in paragraphs a, b,c,d, and e need to establish the Law on Investment.: Article 4 paragraph (1), Article 5, paragraph (1), Article18paragraph (1), paragraph (2), and paragraph (5), Article 20andArticle 33 of the Constitution of the Republic of IndonesiaYear1945;With agreementHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAandPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIADECIDETo stipulate: LAW ON INVESTMENTPlease download the application for free .....
UU GRASI NO. 22 TAHUN 2002 1.0
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 22 TAHUN 2002TENTANGGRASIDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMenimbang :a. bahwa untuk mendapatkan pengampunan berupaperubahan,peringanan, pengurangan, atau penghapusan pelaksanaanpidana yangtelah dijatuhkan kepada terpidana berdasarkan putusanpengadilanyang telah memperoleh kekuatan hukum tetap, terpidanadapatmengajukan permohonan grasi kepada Presiden;b. bahwa Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 1950 tentangPermohonanGrasi yang dibentuk berdasarkan Konstitusi RepublikIndonesiaSerikat, dipandang tidak sesuai lagi denganperkembanganketatanegaraan dan kebutuhan hukum masyarakat;c. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksuddalamhuruf a dan huruf b, perlu membentuk Undang-UndangtentangGrasi;Mengingat :1. Pasal 5 ayat (1), Pasal 20, dan Pasal 14 ayat(1)Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945;2. Undang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 1970 tentangKetentuan-ketentuanPokok Kekuasaan Kehakiman (Lembaran NegaraRepublik Indonesia Tahun1970 Nomor 74, Tambahan Lembaran NegaraRepublik Indonesia Nomor2951) sebagaimana telah diubah denganUndang-Undang Nomor 35 Tahun1999 tentang Perubahan AtasUndang-Undang Nomor 14 Tahun 1970tentang Ketentuan-ketentuan PokokKekuasaan Kehakiman (LembaranNegara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1999Nomor 147, Tambahan LembaranNegara Republik Indonesia Nomor3879);Dengan Persetujuan BersamaDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAdanPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN:Menetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG GRASI.Silahkan download aplikasinya secara gratisLAWS OF THEREPUBLICINDONESIANUMBER 22 OF 2002ABOUTCLEMENCYBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAConsidering:a. that in order to obtain forgiveness in the form ofchange,mitigation, reduction, or elimination of the implementationof thecrime have been imposed on the convicted person under acourtdecision which has obtained permanent legal force, theconvictedperson can apply for clemency to the President;b. that Law Number 3 Year 1950 on Petition pardon whichwasestablished by the Constitution of the Republic ofIndonesiaStates, was not commensurate with the development ofconstitutionaland legal needs of the community;c. Based on the considerations referred to in paragraphs a andb,it is necessary to form the Law on Pardon;Given:1. Article 5 paragraph (1), Article 20 and Article 14paragraph(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year1945;2. Law Number 14 Year 1970 on Basic Provisions on JudicialPower(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1970 Number74,Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of IndonesiaNumber2951) as amended by Act No. 35 of 1999 on the Amendment ofAct LawNumber 14 Year 1970 on Basic provisions on Judicial Power(StateGazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1999 Number147,Supplement to the State Gazette of the Republic of IndonesiaNumber3879);With agreementHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAandPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIADECIDED:To stipulate: LAW ON clemency.Please download the application for free
Gerardo Ortiz Top Letras 1.0
Gerardo Ortiz# 20 Letras1. Quien Te Dio Permiso??2. Travesuras De Amor3. Cara a La Muerte4. Hola Corazon5. Tu Y Yo6. Veniste Viste & Venciste7. Escuela De Rancho8. Y Mas Amor9. Sin Evedencias10. Trokero Locochon11. El Abelito12. Te Amo13. Tu De Que Vas14. El Equipo del Mayo15. En Preparacion16. Fieras Sinaloenses17. Increible18. La Desaparicion19. La Guerrilla Del Teo20. La Ley Del MpGerardo Ortiz# 20 Lyrics1. Who gave you permission ??2. Love Mischief3. face of death4. Hello Heart5. Tu Y Yo6. You beat Veniste Dress &7. Escuela De Rancho8. And More Love9. Without Evedencias10. trokero locochon11. Abelito12. I Love You13. Tu De Que VasMay 14. Team15. In preparation16. Fierce Sinaloenses17. Incredible18. The Disappearance19. guerrillas Teo20. The Law of Mp
Jads e Jadson Top Letras 1.0
Jads e Jadson Músicas Top Letra Completa1. Jeito Carinhoso2. Planos Impossíveis3. Ressentimento4. Coração Idiota5. Anjo6. Toca um João Mineiro e Marciano7. Colo (Part. Victor e Leo)8. Amo Você9. Tô Te Querendo (Part. Michel Teló)10. É Divino11. Ponto de Equilíbrio12. Moça13. Apesar Dos Pesares14. Correndo Risco15. Eucalipto16. Bebendo Sem Rumo17. Agora Ela Chora18. Fazer o Bem19. Grito de Amor / Pode Voltar Paixão20. Na sua Estante21. Razões E Emoções22. Eu Sempre Vou Te Amar23. Com Todos Menos Comigo24. Pra Acabar Com Tudo (part. João Carreiro & Capataz)25. Que Saudades de Você26. Cristal Se Quebrou27. Ando Falando Sozinho28. Separados estamos29. Minuto de Fragilidade30. É Sempre Assim31. Cara Na Porta32. Duas Vidas33. Aqui Mora Gente34. Cada Um Com Seus Problemas35. Tomando Uma Gelada36. Dona do Meu Coração37. No Som da Viola38. Te Amar É Meu Destino39. Conto de Fadas40. Overdose de Amor41. Vide Vida Marvada42. Casa Caída43. Do Caipira Ao Universitario44. Amores Vêm e Vão45. Um Dia você Vai Chorar46. Olhos Castanhos de Alguém47. Apenas Mais Uma de Amor48. Nossa História49. Levanta o Copo50. Amor Amigo51. Vou Beber52. Noite Fria53. Amor Não Deixa54. Vai Embora55. Enquanto o Sol Brilhar56. Sentido da palavra amar57. Desejo de amar58. Melhor é esquecer59. Foi Você60. Frasco de perfume61. Como Eu Queria62. Louco Pra Te Amar63. Volta pra mim64. Foi Assim65. amor é verdade66. Lembranças De Um Amor67. Diga que valeu68. Escolta de Vagalumes69. Quem de Nós Dois70. Pra acaba com tudo71. Tarde Demais72. Nosso Amor Foi Assim73. A Vida É Assim74. Onde Andará?75. Terra de Violeiro76. Dor de violeiro77. To nem ai pra mim78. Poderosa79. Traz de Volta Minha Vida80. Como Vai Você81. Alô Campo Grande82. No Braço Da Viola83. Vem Kicando (part. João Lucas & Pedro)84. Seu Lugar Você Perdeu85. Foi Por Saudade86. Jesus Cristo87. Tombos de Amor88. Desabafo de Paixão89. Não Passou de Engano90. Inverno (part. Victor e Vinícius)91. Vem Pra Campo Grande92. Tiro No Escuro93. Amor Deixou a Gente94. Mais uma de amor95. Duzentos por Hora96. Tudo De Novo97. Vara De Marmelo98. Vivendo assim99. Coração covarde100. Lagrimas de Crocodilo101. De Campo Grande A Cuiabá102. Pantera Cor de Rosa103. Não Vivo Sem Paixão e Viola104. Pé de Pano105. Intransigente106. Dom brasileiro107. Trem Ta Arrochando108. Cardápio Goiano109. Flor Da Primavera110. Põe Mais Lenha Na Fogueira111. Aonde Eu Chego112. Nem ai pra mim113. Vou Sair114. Guerra de Poderes115. Proparo Esquisitona116. Curva do Adeus117. Lugar Abafado118. Pagodeira119. Minuto de Bobeira120. Derramado na PaixãoJads and Jadson TopSongFull Lyrics1. Way Affectionate2. Plans Impossible3. Resentment4. Heart Idiot5. Angel6. Plays a John Miner and Marciano7. Colo (Part. James Blunt)8. Love You9. Tô Te Wanting (Part. Michel Telo)10. Divine11. Breakeven12. Girl13. Despite Of Regrets14. Running Risk15. Eucalyptus16. Drinking No Rumo17. Now she Chora18. Doing Good19. Cry of Love / Can Back Passion20. In its shelf21. Reasons and Emotions22. I'll Always Love You23. All Less Me24. To End With Everything (part. John Carreiro &Foreman)25. What Missing You26. Crystal If Broke27. Ando Speaking Alone28. Separated we are29. Minute Fragility30. Always So31. Man On The Door32. Two Lives33. Here Mora People34. Each With Its Problems35. Taking A Cold36. Owner of My Heart37. Sound of Viola38. Loving You Is My Destination39. Fairy Tale40. Love Overdose41. See Life Marvada42. House Fallen43. Do Caipira the University44. Amores Come and Go45. One Day You Will Cry46. ​​One of Brown Eyes47. Just Another Love48. Our History49. Lift the Cup50. Friend Love51. I'll Drink52. Cold Night53. Love Do not Leave54. Going Away55. While the Sun Shine56. Word Sense love57. I wish to love58. It is better to forget59. Was You60. Perfume Bottle61. As I wanted62. Crazy Pra Te Amar63. Come back to me64. It was so65. love is true66. A Love Memories67. Tell earning68. Escort Fireflies69. Who of Us70. To destroy everything71. Too Late72. Our Love Was So73. Life Is So74. Where will walk?75. Land Violeiro76. guitarist pain77. To even there for me78. Powerful79. Brings Back My Life80. How Will You81. Hello Campo Grande82. Arm Da Viola83. Come Kicando (part. John Lucas & Peter)84. Your Place You Lose85. Why was Saudade86. Jesus Christ87 Tombos Love88. Desabafo Passion89. There He Cheating90. Winter (part. Victor and Vinicius)91. Comes To Campo Grande92. Shot In The Dark93. Love left the People94. One more love95. Two hundred Hourly96. All Again97. Quince Stick98. Living well99. coward Heart100. Crocodile Tears101. Campo Grande Cuiabá102. Pink Panther103. Not Live Without Passion and Viola104. Pé de Pano105. Uncompromising106. Brazilian Archbishop107. Ta Arrochando Train108. Menu Goiano109. From spring flower110. Add fuel to the fire111. Where I Get112. Nor there for me113. I Quit114. War Powers115. Proparo weirdo116. Farewell Bend117. Stuffy Place118. Pagodeira119 Minute Bobeira120. Spilled the Passion
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 43 TAHUN 2007TENTANGPERPUSTAKAANDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang: a. bahwa dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupanbangsa sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun1945, perpustakaan sebagai wahana belajarsepanjang hayat mengembangkan potensi masyarakatagar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwakepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak mulia,sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri, dan menjadiwarga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggungjawab dalam mendukung penyelenggaraan pendidikannasional;b. bahwa sebagai salah satu upaya untuk memajukankebudayaan nasional, perpustakaan merupakanwahana pelestarian kekayaan budaya bangsa;c. bahwa dalam rangka meningkatkan kecerdasankehidupan bangsa, perlu ditumbuhkan budaya gemarmembaca melalui pengembangan dan pendayagunaanperpustakaan sebagai sumber informasi yang berupakarya tulis, karya cetak, dan/atau karya rekam;d. ba hwa ketentuan yang berkaitan denganpenyelenggaraan perpustakaan masih bersifat parsialdalam berbagai peraturan sehingga perlu diatursecara komprehensif dalam suatu undang-undangtersendiri;e. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimanadimaksud dalam huruf a sampai dengan huruf d,perlu dibentuk Undang-Undang tentangPerpustakaan;Mengingat: Pasal 20 dan Pasal 21 Undang-Undang DasarNegaraRepublik Indonesia Tahun 1945;Dengan Persetujuan BersamaDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAdanPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN:Menetapkan: UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG PERPUSTAKAAN.Silahkan download aplikasinya secara gratis...LAWS OF THEREPUBLICINDONESIANUMBER 43 OF 2007ABOUTLIBRARYBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Considering: a. that in order to achieve the lifenation as mandated in LawConstitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year1945, the library as a vehicle for learningLifelong develop the potential of the communityto become a man of faith and pietyGod Almighty, noble,healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent,andbecomecitizens of a democratic and responsibleresponsible for support educationnational;b. that as part of efforts to advancenational culture, the library isa vehicle for the preservation of cultural richness;c. that in order to improve intelligencelife of the nation, need to be grown fond of culturereading through the development and utilizationlibrary as a source of information in the formpaper, printing paper and / or paper records;d. ba hwa provisions relating tolibrary management were partialin various regulations that need to be regulatedcomprehensively in a lawapart;e. that based on consideration asreferred to in letters a through d,necessary to stipulate a law onLibrary;: Article 20 and Article 21 of the Constitution oftheStateRepublic of Indonesia Year 1945;With agreementHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAandPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIADECIDED:To stipulate: LAW ON LIBRARY.Please download the application for free ...
Legião Urbana de Letras 1.0
Legião UrbanaPerfil 20111. Tempo Perdido2. Será3. Quase Sem Querer4. Índios5. Há Tempos6. Perfeição7. Metal Contra As Nuvens8. Pais E Filhos9. Teatro Dos Vampiros10. Giz11. Vento No Litoral12. Faroeste Caboclo13. Que País É Esse14. Eduardo E MônicaAs Quatro EstaçõesLançamento: 19891. Há Tempos2. Pais E Filhos3. Feedback Song For A Dying Friend4. Quando O Sol Bater Na Janela Do Teu Quarto5. Eu Era Um Lobisomen Juvenil6. 1965 (Duas Tribos)7. Monte Castelo8. Maurício9. Meninos E Meninas10. Sete Cidades11. Se Fiquei Esperando Meu Amor PassarQue País é Este 1978/1987Lançamento: 19871. Que País é Esse?2. Conexão Amazônica3. Tédio (Com Um T Bem Grande Pra Você)4. Depois Do Começo5. Química6. Eu Sei7. Faroeste Caboclo8. Angra Dos Reis9. Mais Do MesmoUrban LegionProfile 20111. Lost Time2. Does3. Almost No Want4. Indians5. There Times6. Perfection7. Metal Against Clouds8. Parents And Children9. Theatre Of Vampires10. Chalk11. Wind On Litoral12. Western Caboclo13. What Country Is This14. Eduardo E MonicaThe Four SeasonsRelease: 1989 1. There are times2. Parents And Children3. Feedback Song For A Dying Friend4. The Sun Crash In Windows From Your Bedroom5. I Was A Werewolf Youth6. 1965 (Two Tribes)7. Monte Castelo8. Mauritius9. Boys And Girls10. Seven Cities11. Waiting For Your LoveWhat country is this 1978/1987Release: 1987 1. What Country Is This?2. Amazon Connection3. Boredom (With A Great T Well To You)4. After From Beginning5. Chemical6. I Know7. Western Caboclo8. Angra Dos Reis9. More Of The Same
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 12 TAHUN 2006TENTANG KEWARGANEGARAAN REPUBLIK INDONESIADENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang :a. bahwa negara Republik Indonesia berdasarkan PancasiladanUndang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945menjaminpotensi, harkat, dan martabat setiap orang sesuai denganhak asasimanusia;b. bahwa warga negara merupakan salah satu unsur hakiki danunsurpokok dari suatu negara yang memiliki hak dan kewajiban yangperludilindungi dan dijamin pelaksanaannya;c. bahwa Undang-Undang Nomor 62 Tahun 1958tentangKewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia sebagaimana telah diubahdenganUndang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 1976 tentang Perubahan Pasal18Undang-Undang Nomor 62 Tahun 1958 tentang KewarganegaraanRepublikIndonesia sudah tidak sesuai lagi denganperkembanganketatanegaraan Republik Indonesia sehingga harusdicabut dandiganti dengan yang baru;d. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksuddalamhuruf a, huruf b, dan huruf c, perlu membentukUndang-Undangtentang Kewarganegaraan Republik Indonesia;Mengingat : Pasal 20, Pasal 21, Pasal 26, Pasal 27, Pasal28Bayat (2), Pasal 28D ayat (1) dan ayat (4), Pasal 28E ayat(1),Pasal 28I ayat (2), dan Pasal 28J Undang-Undang DasarNegaraRepublik Indonesia Tahun 1945;Dengan Persetujuan BersamaDEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAdanPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN:Menetapkan : UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG KEWARGANEGARAANREPUBLIKINDONESIA.LAWS OF THEREPUBLICINDONESIANUMBER 12 OF 2006CITIZENSHIP OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIABY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Considering:a. that the Republic of Indonesia under Pancasila andtheConstitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945ensurespotential, dignity, and the dignity of each person inaccordancewith human rights;b. that the citizen is one of the essential elementsandfundamental element of a country that has the rightsandobligations that need to be protected andguaranteedimplementation;c. that Act No. 62 of 1958 on Citizenship of the RepublicofIndonesia as amended by Act No. 3 of 1976 on the amendmentofArticle 18 of Law No. 62 of 1958 on Citizenship of the RepublicofIndonesia is no longer appropriate to the development of thestateadministration of the Republic of Indonesia and should berepealedand replaced with a new one;d. Based on the considerations referred to in paragraphs a,b,and c, it is necessary to form the Law on Citizenship oftheRepublic of Indonesia;: Article 20, Article 21, Article 26, Article 27, Article28Bparagraph (2), Article 28D (1) and paragraph (4), Article 28E(1),Article 28 paragraph (2) and Article 28j Constitution oftheRepublic of Indonesia Year 1945;With agreementHOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAandPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIADECIDED:To stipulate: LAW ON CITIZENSHIP OF THE REPUBLICOFINDONESIA.
UNDANG-UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 30 TAHUN 2004TENTANGJABATAN NOTARISDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang:a. bahwa Negara Republik Indonesia sebagai negarahukumberdasarkan Pancasila danUndang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945menjaminkepastian,ketertiban, dan perlindungan hukum, yang berintikan kebenarandankeadilan;b. bahwa untuk menjamin kepastian, ketertiban, danperlindunganhukum dibutuhkanalat bukti tertulis yang bersifat otentik mengenaikeadaan,peristiwa, atau perbuatanhukum yang diselenggarakan melalui jabatan tertentu;c. bahwa notaris merupakan jabatan tertentu yang menjalankanprofesidalam pelayananhukum kepada masyarakat, perlu mendapatkan perlindungan danjaminandemitercapainya kepastian hukum;d. bahwa jasa notaris dalam proses pembangunan makinmeningkatsebagai salah satukebutuhan hukum masyarakat;e. bahwa Reglement op Het Notaris Ambt in Indonesie (Stb.1860:3)yang mengaturmengenai jabatan notaris tidak sesuai lagi dengan perkembanganhukumdankebutuhan masyarakat;f. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalamhurufa, huruf b,huruf c, huruf d, dan huruf e, perlu membentuk Undang-UndangtentangJabatanNotaris.Mengingat: Pasal 20, Pasal 21, dan Pasal 24 ayat (3)Undang-UndangDasar Negara RepublikIndonesia Tahun 1945.Dengan Persetujuan Bersama:DEWAN PERWAKILAN RAKYAT REPUBLIK INDONESIAdanPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIAMEMUTUSKAN:Menetapkan: UNDANG-UNDANG TENTANG JABATAN NOTARISLAWS OF THEREPUBLICINDONESIANUMBER 30 OF 2004ABOUTPOSITION NOTARYBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Weigh:a. that the Republic of Indonesia as a state of law basedonPancasila andConstitution of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1945 toensurecertainty,order, and the protection of the law, with a core of truthandjustice;b. that to ensure security, order and the legalprotectionrequiredwritten evidence that is authentic about the circumstances,events,or actionslaw to be enforced through a certain position;c. that notaries are certain positions that practicing aprofessionin servicelaw to the public, need protection and guarantees in orderachieving legal certainty;d. that the services of a notary in the development processisincreasing as onethe legal needs of society;e. that Reglement op Het Notary ambt in Indonesie (Stb. 1860:3),which regulatesthe notary office no longer in line with legaldevelopmentsandcommunity needs;f. Based on the considerations referred to in paragraphs a,b,c, d, and e, it is necessary to form the Law on OccupationNotary.: Article 20, Article 21 and Article 24 paragraph (3) oftheConstitution of the RepublicIndonesia Year 1945.With agreement:HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAandPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIADECIDED:To stipulate: LAW ON POSITION NOTARY
STATUTEOF THEINTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICEThe International Court of Justice established by the Charterofthe United Nations as the principal judicial organ of theUnitedNations shall be constituted and shall function in accordancewiththe provisions of the present Statute.SILAHKAN DOWNLOAD APLIKASINYA SECARA GRATISStatuteOF THEINTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICEThe International Court of Justice established by the Charterofthe United Nations as the principal judicial organ of theUnitedNations shall be constituted and shall function in accordancewiththe provisions of the present Statute.PLEASE DOWNLOAD APPLICATION FOR FREE
Kemerdekaan berpendapat, berekspresi, danpersadalah hak asasi manusia yang dilindungi Pancasila,Undang-UndangDasar 1945, dan Deklarasi Universal Hak Asasi ManusiaPBB.Kemerdekaan pers adalah sarana masyarakat untukmemperolehinformasi dan berkomunikasi, guna memenuhi kebutuhanhakiki danmeningkatkan kualitas kehidupanmanusia. Dalam mewujudkan kemerdekaan pers itu, wartawanIndonesiajuga menyadari adanya kepentingan bangsa, tanggung jawabsosial,keberagaman masyarakat, dan normanormaagama.Dalam melaksanakan fungsi, hak, kewajiban dan peranannya,persmenghormati hak asasi setiap orang, karena itu persdituntutprofesional dan terbuka untuk dikontrol olehmasyarakat.Untuk menjamin kemerdekaan pers dan memenuhi hak publikuntukmemperoleh informasi yang benar, wartawan Indonesiamemerlukanlandasan moral dan etika profesi sebagai pedomanoperasional dalammenjaga kepercayaan publik dan menegakkanintegritas sertaprofesionalisme. Atas dasar itu, wartawan Indonesia menetapkandanmenaati Kode Etik JurnalistikFreedom ofopinion,expression, and the press is a human right that isprotectedPancasila, the Constitution of 1945, and the UniversalDeclarationof Human Rights. Freedom of the press is a means ofpeople toobtain information and communicate, in order to meetessentialneeds and improve quality of lifehuman. In realizing the freedom of the press, journalistsIndonesiaalso aware of the interest of the nation, socialresponsibility,diversity of society, and normsreligion.In carrying out the functions, rights, obligations and role,thepress respect the rights of every person, because it'saprofessional and open press is required to be controlled bythepublic.To ensure the independence of the press and meet thepublic'sright to obtain correct information, journalists Indonesiarequiresa moral basis and ethics of the profession asoperationalguidelines in maintaining public confidence and maintainintegrityandprofessionalism. On that basis, Indonesian journalists establishandabide by the Code of Conduct of Journalism
UNDANG UNDANG REPUBLIK INDONESIANOMOR 14 TAHUN 2002TENTANG PENGADILAN PAJAKDENGAN RAHMAT TUHAN YANG MAHA ESAPRESIDEN REPUBLIK INDONESIA,Menimbang:a. bahwa Negara Republik Indonesia adalah negarahukumberdasarkan Pancasila dan Undangundang Dasar 1945,menjaminperwujudan tata kehidupan negara dan bangsa yang adildansejahtera, aman, tenteram dan tertib, serta menjaminkedudukanhukum yang sama bagi warga masyarakat;b. bahwa untuk mencapai tujuan dimaksud, pembangunannasionalyang berkesinambungan dan berkelanjutan serta merata diseluruhtanah air memerlukan dana yang memadai terutama darisumberperpajakan;c. bahwa dengan meningkatnya jumlah Wajib Pajak danpemahamanakan hak dan kewajibannya dalam melaksanakanperaturanperundangundangan perpajakan tidak dapat dihindarkantimbulnyaSengketa Pajak yang memerlukan penyelesaian yang adildenganprosedur dan proses yang cepat, murah, dan sederhana;d. d. bahwa Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Pajak belummerupakanbadan peradilan yang berpuncak di Mahkamah Agung;e. bahwa karenanya diperlukan suatu Pengadilan Pajak yangsesuaidengan sistem kekuasaan kehakiman di Indonesia danmampumenciptakan keadilan dan kepastian hukum dalampenyelesaianSengketa Pajak;f. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan dimaksud dalam huruf a, b,c,d, dan e, tersebut di atas perlu dibentuk UndangundangtentangPengadilan Pajak;Mengingat :1. Pasal 5 ayat (1), Pasal 20, Pasal 23A, Pasal 24 dan Pasal25UndangUndang Dasar 1945 sebagaimana telah diubah denganPerubahanKetiga UndangUndang Dasar 1945;2. Undangundang Nomor 14 Tahun 1970 tentangKetentuanketentuanPokok Kekuasaan Kehakiman (Lembaran NegaraRepublik Indonesia Tahun1970 Nomor 74, Tambahan Lembaran NegaraNomor 2951) sebagaimanatelah diubah dengan Undangundang Nomor 35Tahun 1999 (LembaranNegara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1999 Nomor 147,Tambahan LembaranNegara Nomor 3879);3. Undangundang Nomor 6 Tahun 1983 tentang Ketentuan UmumdanTata Cara Perpajakan (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun1983Nomor 49, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 3262) sebagaimanatelahbeberapa kali diubah terakhir dengan Undangundang Nomor 16Tahun2000 (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2000 Nomor126,Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 3984);4. Undangundang Nomor 7 Tahun 1983 tentang PajakPenghasilan(Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1983 Nomor 50,TambahanLembaran Negara Nomor 3263) sebagaimana telah beberapa kalidiubahterakhir dengan Undangundang Nomor 17 Tahun 2000 (LembaranNegaraRepublik Indonesia Tahun 2000 Nomor 127, Tambahan LembaranNegaraNomor 3985);5. Undangundang Nomor 8 Tahun 1983 tentang PajakPertambahanNilai Barang dan Jasa dan Pajak Penjualan atas BarangMewah(Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1983 Nomor 51,TambahanLembaran Negara Nomor 3264) sebagaimana telah beberapa kalidiubahterakhir dengan Undangundang Nomor 18 Tahun 2000 (LembaranNegaraRepublik Indonesia Tahun 2000 Nomor 128, Tambahan LembaranNegaraNomor 3986);6. Undangundang Nomor 12 Tahun 1985 tentang Pajak BumidanBangunan (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1985 Nomor68,Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 3312) sebagaimana telahdiubahdengan Undangundang Nomor 12 Tahun 1994 (Lembaran NegaraRepublikIndonesia Tahun 1994 Nomor 62 Tambahan Lembaran NegaraNomor3569);7. Undangundang Nomor 14 Tahun 1985 tentang MahkamahAgung(Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1985 Nomor 73,TambahanLembaran Negara Nomor 3316);8. Undangundang Nomor 10 Tahun 1995 tentang Kepabeanan(LembaranNegara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1995 Nomor 75, TambahanLembaranNegara Nomor 3612);9. Undangundang Nomor 11 Tahun 1995 tentang Cukai(LembaranNegara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1995 Nomor 76, TambahanLembaranNegara Nomor 3613);LAWS OF THEREPUBLICINDONESIANUMBER 14 OF 2002COURT OF TAXBY THE GRACE OF GOD ALMIGHTYPRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA,Weigh:a. that the Republic of Indonesia is a constitutional statebasedon Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945, ensure therealization ofthe livelihood of the nation state and a just andprosperous,secure, peaceful and orderly, and ensure equal legalstatus forcitizens;b. that in order to reach this objective, a sustainablenationaldevelopment and sustainable and equitable across thecountryrequires adequate funding primarily from sources oftaxation;c. that with the increasing number of taxpayer andunderstandingtheir rights and obligations in implementing laws andregulationsof taxation are inevitable emergence Tax Dispute whichrequires afair settlement with the procedures and processes arefast, cheap,and simple;d. d. that the Tax Dispute Settlement Body is not a judicialbodyculminating in the Supreme Court;e. that therefore we need a Tax Court in accordance withthesystem of judicial power in Indonesia and able to createfairnessand legal certainty in Tax Dispute settlement;f. Based on the considerations referred to in paragraphs a, b,c,d, and e, the above needs to be formed on the Tax Court ofLaw;Given:1. Article 5 paragraph (1), Article 20, Article 23A, Article24and Article 25 of Law 1945, as amended by the Third AmendmentLawof 1945;2. Law Number 14 Year 1970 on Basic provisions of JudicialPower(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1970 Number74,Additional State Gazette No. 2951) as amended by Act No. 35 of1999(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1999 Number147,Supplement to State Gazette No. 3879);3. Law No. 6 of 1983 on General Provisions and TaxProcedures(State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1983Number 49,Additional State Gazette No. 3262) as already amended byLaw Number16 Year 2000 (State Gazette of the Republic of IndonesiaYear 2000Number 126, State Gazette No. 3984);4. Law Number 7 of 1983 on Income Tax (State Gazette oftheRepublic of Indonesia Year 1983 Number 50, Additional StateGazetteNo. 3263) as already amended by Law Number 17 Year 2000(StateGazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2000 Number127,Supplement No. 3985);5. Law Number 8 of 1983 on Value Added Tax on Goods andServicesand Sales Tax on Luxury Goods (State Gazette of theRepublic ofIndonesia Year 1983 Number 51, Additional State GazetteNo. 3264)as amended by Act No. 18 of 2000 (Official Gazette theRepublic ofIndonesia Year 2000 Number 128, Additional state GazetteNo.3986);6. Law Number 12 of 1985 on Land and Building Tax (StateGazetteof the Republic of Indonesia Year 1985 Number 68, AdditionalStateGazette No. 3312) as amended by Act No. 12 of 1994 (StateGazetteof the Republic of Indonesia Year 1994 Number 62 Supplementto theState Gazette Number 3569);7. Law Number 14 Year 1985 regarding the Supreme Court(StateGazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 1985 Number73,Additional State Gazette No. 3316);8. Law Number 10 Year 1995 concerning Customs (State Gazetteofthe Republic of Indonesia Year 1995 Number 75, AdditionalStateGazette No. 3612);9. Law Number 11 Year 1995 concerning Customs (State Gazetteofthe Republic of Indonesia Year 1995 Number 76, AdditionalStateGazette No. 3613);
Bruno & Marrone de Letras 1.0
Bruno e Marrone LetrasAgora (2014)Disco 11. Ausência2. Deixa Acontecer3. Tiro e Queda4. Você Me Vira a Cabeça5. Apenas Mais Uma de Amor6. Mudei Demais7. Oceano8. Garçon9. Agora10. Não Vou Chorar11. Eu SeiDisco 212. A Casa ao Lado13. Frente a Frente14. Quando a Chuva Passar15. Primeiros Erros16. Parabéns17. Vou Te Amarrar Na Minha Cama18. Ainda Gosto de Você19. Stop Que Ela é Top20. Alma Gêmea21. Dormi Na Praça22. Evidências23. Força EstranhaPela Porta da FrenteLançamento: 201224. Acorrentado em Você25. Sem Compromisso (tchatchara) part. Michel Teló26. Vidro Fumê27. Eu Não Vou Aceitar28. Pela Porta Da Frente29. Tentativas Em Vão30. Já Não Sei Mais Nada31. Tá Pensando o Que?32. Eu Não Imploro Por Amor33. Rancho34. Parede de Vidro35. Nossas Memórias (part. George Henrique e Rodrigo)36. Vem Me Buscar37. Amor Á Três38. 24 Horas de Amor39. Sem Ninguém Me Ver Chorar40. Juras de Amor41. Receita de Amar (part. George Henrique e Rodrigo)Bruno eMarroneLettersNow (2014)Disc 11. Absence2. Let It Happen3. Big Hit4. You Turn Me the Head5. Just Another Love6. I changed Other7. Ocean8. Garçon9. Now10. I Will not Cry11. I KnowDisc 212. The House Next Door13. Head to head14. When the Rain Pass15. Mistakes16. Congratulations17. I'll Tie You In My Bed18. Although I like you19. Stop That She's Top20. Soul Mate21. Sleep On Square22. Evidence23. Force StrangeThe Front DoorRelease: 201224. Chained for You25. No Compromise (tchatchara) part. Michel Telo26. Smoked Glass27. I do not I'll Accept28. For the Front Door29. Attempts In Go30. I Do not Know Nothing More31. Yeah Thinking What?32. I do not beg For Love33. Rancho34. Glass Wall35. Our Memories (part. George Henry and Rodrigo)36. Come Me Search37. Three Á Love38. 24 Hours of Love39. No No See Me Cry40. Juras Love41. Love Recipe (part. George Henry and Rodrigo)